Page 48 of His Fatal Love

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“That’s what they tell me.”

“Then why—“

“Listen,” I say, shifting upright. “You heard what the doc said. You need to stay here a while, make sure that knock to the head isn’t serious.”

He looks at me, his eyes blank and unreadable. I can’t tell if he’s going to fight this or agree. He opens his mouth and then closes it again, before finally exhaling a resigned sigh.

“You win,” he says. “I’ll stay.”

The corners of my mouth fight to turn up in a victorious smile, but I force them down. I don’t want him to know I like the idea of having him here in my bed, with the dirty sheets I haven’t washed for too long. I like the idea of polluting him, rubbing his face into the dirt of my life.

It turns me on.

He watches me closely, and I’m sure he can read the desire in my eyes, but I only nod my head as he leans back against the pillows.

“Okay, then,” I say. “Looks like we’re stuck with each other. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I want to clean all this PacSyn blood off. Think you can stay awake for five minutes on your own?”

“I’ll manage.”


I strip, and Julian watches with no shame. “Let me know if you’re getting too excited,” I tell him. “You heard what the doc said. Need to rest your brain.”

“Oh, believe me,” he says, “it’s not my brain you’re exciting.”

With a huff of laughter, I go into the bathroom attached to my bedroom, which is also the only bathroom in the place, and leave the door open as I take a heavy piss. Not for a second does Julian look away, and my dick thickens up in my hand. “Like what you see?” I ask casually.

“Mm-hmm. You look good in red.”

I stare down at the dark stains of PacSyn blood on my hands, forearms, chest, and I shake my head. “You’re real fucked up, Castellani. You know that?”

“So I’ve been told.”

I turn on the shower and wait for the water to heat up. “I like it,” I toss over my shoulder, and then I get into the shower to wash away the night.



My shoulder hurtsand my dick aches and something in my chest is giving odd twinges, too, when I think about the fact that Leo Bernardi, a man who is supposed to be my mortal enemy and is currently my mark for intel, saved my life back at the docks.

I would have been perfectly happy to go down in a blaze of glory. When it’s my time, I’d rather not drag it out. But I guess the Bernardis need me alive, at least for now.

As for the concussion…

Well. I figured Leo Bernardi was a gentleman under all those tattoos and muscles, so when I had my chance to play a damsel in distress, I wanted to see what he’d do.

Leo stands in the shower now, water cascading down his strong back and shoulders, tracing paths in the hills and valleys of his muscular frame. His dark hair is plastered to his scalp, making his features stand out in stark relief. He lifts a hand to scrub at his face, then slides his wet fingers through his short hair.

His dick is fully erect, making my ass clench with longing.

Leo lowers his head to stand under the water, letting it beat against the back of his neck. It would be so easy to kill him now, to slide into that shower, wrap my hands around his neck, choke him out.

Or drown him in the no-doubt filthy toilet bowl.

I spend a lot of time thinking about how to kill. Hazard of the profession. Most of the time when I rub shoulders with Hollywood A-listers, I think about the most ironically appropriate way to end them.

Tom Hunt, aging action movie star: I’d plant a bomb on his island getaway, let him find it and have five seconds to contemplate how useless all that stunt experience is when faced with the real thing.
