Page 24 of Drilled

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“Fair enough.” Carrying her is always an option, so I do just that, sweeping her into the kitchen.

She takes her coffee black and her pancakes smothered in real maple syrup.

“What’s on your agenda today? Wanna play hooky from work with me?”

I inwardly wish to do exactly that because I’d love nothing more than to spend all day lounging in bed with her.

“Unfortunately, I can’t.”

When she pouts, I lean over and capture her bottom lip between mine. She grabs for me and pulls me back in for a more prolonged kiss, and her blueberries and syrup taste makes me long to drag her straight back to bed for more.

“I have some things I need to take care of today. But I’ll come over tonight.”

“For another booty call?” Charlotte bats her lashes at me as she sips her coffee.

I shake my head. “To see my girlfriend.” I level her with a severe expression, at which her face softens.

I wolf down the rest of my pancakes and bacon while she studies me, sipping her coffee.


“I don’t like the idea of the woman feeling burdened to ask the question. ‘What are we?’ I’ll tell you what we are. You’re my girlfriend. I’m your boyfriend. I love you. End of story.”

The coffee mug clunks as Charlotte sets it on the table. “You love me?”

“Yeah,” I say, nonchalantly rising from the table to clear the dishes.

“How can you say you love me when we started getting intimate yesterday?”

I fill the sink with soapy water and tell her, “Because I’ve been in love with you since we met.”

The silence that follows that bold statement is thick, and yet I pretend it’s not by washing the dishes extra thoroughly.

A moment later, I feel her warm body against me. Her arms snake around my middle. “I’m just not sure I’m ready to say that, Harley. I can picture it. I might feel it. But I’m not ready to say it. Is that weird? I have a lot of weirdness that dredges up to the surface at times. Are you going to be okay with that?”

I squeeze her hand that’s on my stomach with my soapy fingers. “I’m okay with every part of you. And I know you love me; you don’t have to say it.”

Charlotte snorts her adorable snort, then swats me on the butt. “I’m going to get ready for work. I have a showing today. Thank you for breakfast, and thanks for literally everything else.”

She goes to her room and shuts the door, leaving me alone with my thoughts, the biggest, goofiest grin plastered on my face.

Today is going to be a good day.



I’ve picked up Harley’s favorite lunch from Ruby’s Diner, and I’m hoping the BLT and fries are a welcome surprise.

His truck isn’t there when I drive by his job site at the three-story Victorian apartment building. Driving around the block, I wonder if it would be weird to go looking for him.

No, it’s probably better to just let it go. Tomorrow, I’ll give Harley some notice before showing up for lunch.

A wave of unwarranted jealousy hits me as I wonder who he might be having lunch with?

I know it’s ridiculous, but I can’t help the stories that pop into my head sometimes.

The suspicion that he might be with someone else is easily pushed down; he gave me no reason to suspect he’s seeing other people. He said the actual words,” I’m your boyfriend. I love you. End of story.”
