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I lifted my lips slightly and said, “We could be so good together.”

Her fingers tangled in the hair at the back of my neck, and she pressed her tits against my chest. “That’s a bad idea.”

Her words said one thing, but her body was saying another.

“But so good,” I said as I kissed her neck and then her shoulder, not remembering any reason why I shouldn’t be touching and kissing her. I couldn’t remember anything except for the hum of desire beneath my skin and the throbbing of my cock. I wanted her in a way I hadn’t wanted anyone before.

Then she nipped the underside of my jaw, and everything inside me ran molten hot.

“Fuck. I want you.”

She pulled away, her eyes flashing with irritation. “You can’t have me. I’m not some prize to be won.”

“I never said you were.” I pulled back, a little confused about her reaction but knowing I shouldn’t be touching her. Not with her brother, Leo, nearby.

I felt sluggish as she ducked under my arm and walked away. I let her go because I shouldn’t have touched her at all. I straightened, running a hand through my hair. I’d seriously screwed up.

I prided myself on always being in control. I’d imagined myself making a move on her and kissing her a million times, but I never thought I’d lose my mind when I did.

I didn’t need to watch the wedding because Hannah was excellent at her job. I only hired the best. But I couldn’t stay away. When the ceremony started, I stood outside to keep an eye on Gia.

When the ceremony was over, the bride and groom walked down the aisle with their joined hands raised to cheers and a standing ovation.

I should have walked away. There was no need for me to ensure a smooth transition from the ceremony to the cocktail hour and then to the reception. But I couldn’t move.

I was rooted to the spot as Gia walked down the aisle on Leo’s arm. Her best friend, Harper, was on his other side, but I only had eyes for Gia.

She was gorgeous in anything, but there was something about that dress. The tease of that ribbon was fucking with my head.

Gia’s gaze flashed to mine as if she remembered the way she’d pressed her body against mine only a few minutes earlier. I couldn’t forget her breathy moans in my ear and the insistent way she tugged on my hair.

I had a fleeting thought that Gia would be wild in bed, but then Leo nodded in my direction, and my throat tightened. I shouldn’t be lusting after his younger sister. I shouldn’t be thinking about her at all. As far as Leo knew, we hated each other. Everyone knew it was difficult for us to be in the same room together without fighting. But when we were alone, that fire turned into desire.

I headed inside, knowing I should be doing anything but watching Gia Giovanni. If she’d stayed in Annapolis, I would never know what she tasted like.

To get back on track, I checked in with Brad, the chef in charge of the food for Naomi and Chris’s wedding. Then I completed a quick tour of the hotel grounds, ensuring everything was running smoothly. I did this route several times a day to clear my mind, and it gave me the opportunity to check in with the various managers of each department.

I believed in hiring the best, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t closely involved in the running of my hotel. I’d bought the resort and renovated it into something beautiful, a five-star resort that was booked months ahead of time. I also wanted to be known as the premier wedding destination in the area, but Gia’s business threatened that.

Early on, I set the standard that couples booking a wedding at my resort had to work with my wedding planner. They had to choose between Gia and me. Some dropped Gia and agreed to my terms. But others wanted her. It made me respect her even more.

She was good at her job. Now she represented a challenge not only to my business but to my body.

I wanted what I couldn’t have.

What if we took out our frustrations in the bedroom, and to hell with everything else? It didn’t have to mean anything. Her brothers would be pissed, but remembering that kiss, I was willing to risk it.

My footsteps faltered in the hallway of the hotel when I came around a corner and saw the flash of blue and heard the click of heels on the floor. Gia.

I quickened my strides until I was even with her. “What are you doing?”

Her expression was smooth, her tone dismissive. “I rented a room for the evening.”

My jaw tightened. “I didn’t authorize that.”

Gia stopped moving and smirked. “You approve all your guests?”

“I should,” I said, grinding my teeth together. I wasn’t sure why she got to me.
