Page 53 of Silver Tongue Devil

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I had no idea how I was going to go about this. Getting into Shanghai was dangerous enough, but where would I even start looking for this item? There were a few black-market sellers I could talk to, but every person I spoke with was another person who might want to join in on the treasure hunt. And I already had one too many in my way.

Kat might be the reason I even knew of its existence, but she was just as much my competition. She needed to take it back to Batara, but I would be the one to take it from her.

The humidity crept up on the ship the closer we got to land, robbing us of the breeze we had out at sea. The skyline rose higher, a tidal wave of skyscrapers, concrete, and metal. Everything made me shiver with revulsion. It smelled of millions of people stuffed in one place together, like death and poverty. A prison of lost dreams and memories of a day that would never return. Not with Ju in charge.

So many countries thought pulling away from Lars and Kennedy and forming their own authority would show strength. Except the rulers seemed to use it as a way to control and money grab, forgetting that nations trade and function together, not separately. The people were in favor at first, getting behind these autocratic rulers, only to find it was not the utopia they thought it would be.

It was hell.

Making our vessel appear as much like a trading ship as we could, we still veered for a quieter port off one of the nearby islands, then took a smaller craft into the city. Ju had a tight rein on what was going in and out of his ports, always on the lookout for bold pirates daring to fleece him.

Fear was not an emotion I experienced much, and I would never show if I did, but my nerves wrapped tightly in my gut because of how much we were putting on the line. How quickly this could all go wrong.

“Captain?” Scot’s voice spoke behind me, but it wasn’t him who caused the prickle at the back of my neck. My awareness of her was a tide, moving out and back in. A cat ready to pounce. My shoulders tensed, keeping my gaze straight ahead. I had stayed clear of her most of the journey, drinking in my cabin until I passed out each night so I wouldn’t go down and see her. The need was always there; the craving kept me restless. Even sleeping, I got no rest, the vixen slipping into my dreams.

Barricading myself, I slowly twisted around, showing no mercy.

Kat’s stunning eyes caused my teeth to crunch together, raking anger through me. Dressed in Tsai’s pants and deck shoes, she wore one of my old black T-shirts tied up. Her long dark hair curtained around her like a cloak, shining in the early morning rays.

I wanted to hate her, to dismiss her as I do too many who cross my path, friend or foe. Yes, she was the daughter of an old crew member. Yes, I had watched her grow up. Yes, she was stunning as hell. But she was still my enemy. Here to slit my throat when I let my guard down, no matter what truce we had.

I could never forget, no matter her size, that she was Puss in Boots, the ruthless pirate who drew you in only to cut you down. She had killed some cold-blooded, savvy, well-known pirates already.

With my own methods.

“Katrina,” I said formally, not sounding at all like me. “You look much improved.”

A sardonic smile hinted on her lips. “All thanks to you,Captain.” She tilted her head. “Or do you want to be calledmaster?”


Her screwing with me only hardened my cock more, dropping all pretense, my rage building under my skin. With Scot behind her, I stepped into her so she had nowhere to go. Her breath hitched up her throat, her spine knocking into the Scotsman. She locked down her response, keeping her expression blank, lifting her chin to me.

“Don’t push me, Katrina.” I gripped her chin, getting only a breath away from her. “I’m about a hair’s breadth away from locking you back in the hull and chaining you with goblin metal while I go searching for this nectar myself.”

She stiffened, pushing away from Scot, getting even closer to me. “You do, and you will find your neck smiling by morning.”

“You’re adorable.” My gaze purposely rolled over her as if she was insignificant and clawless. “You forget I taught you everything you know, little cat.”

“Master Yukimura trained me. All I learned from you was betrayal, cruelty, and how tofuckto get what I want.”

Heat expanded my veins, burning me from the inside, pressure seizing my chest at her statement. Anger frosted the edges, coating the jealousy, lust, and guilt rumbling underneath. A picture of her riding someone flamed up possessiveness, locking up my muscles.

My nose bumped hers. “And who do you think trained me?” I replied, shoving the image down deep, using my ire as fuel. “There isn’t a move you can make that I don’t already know.” I stepped away. “Prepare for port and get the dinghy ready for the two of us,” I ordered Scot.

“You don’t want us to go with you?” Scot frowned.

“Too many of us to recognize. It will be just Kat and me.”

He shook his head. “Captain?”

“That’s an order,” I stated firmly. “Get her some breakfast before we anchor.”

Scot nodded, about to turn around, taking her with him.

“Kat?” I called her name, her head twisting back to me. “If you renege on our truce, be sure my punishment will be much more ruthless than you ever dreamed up.”

Her jaw clenched, lids narrowed as she turned away and stalked off. Her wrath was so vivid I could taste it on my tongue, causing my body to tighten, getting off on her rage.
