Page 48 of Chasing Waves

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“Charlee is really pretty. So is Genesis, but I think Charlee is more your type,” Evie stated matter-of-factly. We were hanging out on our boards between sets.

“You do, do you?” I laughed. I needed this with Evie. She made everything better.

“Uh, yeah. She reminds me of Chasity.”

I cringed. Chasity was my very first girlfriend and the one that had broken my heart. I had shown Evie pictures of Chasity and me and told Evie all about her. She was right, though. Charlee did have a lot of similarities to Chasity—dark hair, hazel-ish eyes, full lips, petite. I guess I did have a type.

“We should invite them to do a bonfire on the beach tonight.”

“Maybe,” I replied. That would be fun, and it would give Charlee and me a buffer having Evie and Genesis around. Maybe allowing Charlee to get more comfortable around me. When we weren’t hooking up, she was very tense and closed off and I wanted our relationship to evolve beyond just great sex.

“You know what, that’s a great idea, Evie. Let’s do that.”

She squealed and clapped her hands. “Yay. We have to go to the store and get stuff to make s’mores.”

Evie started rattling off a list of things we needed, barely taking a breath, all the while making me laugh as her eyes lit up like neon signs. Seeing Evie happy and healthy again was everything to me. I had lost a lot of time with her when she was growing up because of touring. I did my best to be home at all the major holidays and her birthday, but other than that, I wasn’t around much. We did text all the time and sent Marco Polo messages multiple times a day. Those were always fun with her.

“You don’t think setting up all those flowers around her trailer tomorrow is too much, do you?” I was having second thoughts.

“What? No way! She’ll love it!”

“Forecast for tomorrow doesn’t look great,” I reminded her.

“I know, but it won’t ruin it. Stop overthinking it. It’s done anyway. No going back now.”

She splashed me with water and the water fight began. I could listen to her laugh like this all day, every day.

Every so often I would glance over to Charlee’s trailer and catch her and Genesis watching us, and it sent a of excitement through me. I really liked Charlee, and I hoped that whatever Genesis told her, didn’t upset her. I planned on talking to her tonight about Bridger. Avoiding it any longer would be weird now if Charlee was aware that I knew her late husband. Admitting to her that Bridger had mentored me for years on the circuit made me nervous. I could tell our age gap already bothered her, so this might not settle right with her.

Before I could stop her, Evie was knocking on Charlee’s trailer to invite them down for a bonfire tonight. I didn’t even make it up the beach before the door closed and Evie spun around beaming.

“They said yes.” I could tell she was having a hard time containing her excitement as she clamped her lips together and bounced on her toes.

I was hoping to get a glimpse of Charlee’s reaction to the invitation to see if she was accepting it because she really wanted to come, or if she just didn’t want to disappoint my sister. Evie was hard to say no to. Her energy was infectious and didn’t leave much room for any other answer than yes.

“Let’s hurry and get to the store.” She ran with her board to the Airstream and rushed inside.

I stood outside Charlee’s trailer for another moment before deciding talking to her tonight would be better than right now. Just as I was turning to leave, Charlee peeked through the blinds and locked eyes with me. She gave me a small smile and then disappeared back inside. I smiled to myself as I headed back to the Airstream.

After shopping, which looked more like s’mores for twenty than four, we went to the café to eat an early dinner. It was in between peak times on a Monday, so we were the only ones in the café. Beverly was all smiles when she approached the table and saw Evie.

“Well, now. Who is this pretty little thing?”

“Beverly, this is my little sister, Evie.”

Evie chimed in, “It’s very nice to meet you. Levi told me you make the best cobblers on the West Coast.”

She smiled even wider. “Did he now? Well, I guess we should start with that then. What else can I get you, darlin’?”

“Maybe just a side of fries to go with the cobbler?”

Evie looked at me as if I were going to stop her. “You do you. I’m not judging.” I put my hands up playfully.

“And judge you should not. This one is too skinny, anyhow.” Beverly winked at Evie to which Evie smiled. “What about for you?”

“I’ll have my usual, burger and salad.”

“Salad?” Evie snorted. “Since when is that your usual?”
