Page 106 of Raijin

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“We will take her to Clinger and once the prophecy appears, we will have what we need to leave the Lord.”

Lyon mad cackling followed Sabina into the abyss that swallowed her.




Someone was patting the side of his face.

He tried to move but the flaring pain in his shoulder, told him that any sudden movements would be a mistake. Slowly opening his eyes, he first saw nothing but black, until shining balls of light began to break up the darkness. Soon he realized he was staring into a fluorescent lights overhead. A voice called over the speaker for a doctor.

Slowly, he turned his head to the right to see Tiller sitting with his legs cross and hands settled atop his knee. His expression held a small amount amusement. “The sleeping prince wakes.”

For a second he was confused and tried to piece together where he was and why he’d been brought there. But it didn’t take long before he felt the rush of fear and alarm when he remembered the roaring flames. The sound of insane laughter, and the sensation of someone tearing through the center of his chest. Sitting up, he winced looking down at the white wrap that covered his chest. The warm glow of healing magic emanated from it. Placing a hand over the spot where he’d assumed his heart had gotten ripped out, he said one word. “Sabina?”

“She’s been taken.”

Was Tillers instant reply.

Raijin stilled not even allowing himself to breathe. Stunned at the amount of black emotions that threatened to choke him. He wanted to attack Tiller, and everyone around him. The urge to go on a killing rampage road him hard. He focused on breathing, in, out. In, out. If he didn’t do that, he’d turn completely into the flesh-eating ogre all other monsters feared him to be.

“How long?” He asked moving the blanket aside.

Tiller glanced at his watch, before looking at Raijin. “The Watcher immediately contacted me after the attack. So, about five hours ago.”

“Kahlia, how is she?” Raijin clenched his hands in the loose blanket praying the little girl hadn’t been harmed.

“She’s fine.”

Raijin shoulders sagged in relief.

“Alek, returned her to her aunts,” Tiller added.

Tiller sneered here his eyes flashing with irritation. “The damn woman, insisted that we take you to her doctor.” He motioned to the place he sat, that was surrounded by a white, sterile curtain. “This monstrosity belongs to that man.”

Moving his feet off the bed, Raijin stood ignoring the wave of vertigo that washed over him. He searched for his clothes, seeing none he turned to Tiller. “My clothes aren’t here?”

He shrugged, “That’s because they were taken.”

“By who?” Raijin demanded, growing irritated. He should have been gone five seconds ago. He needed to hurry, he had to find Sabina. It was taking everything for him to control himself, and not simply snap Tillers neck in his inpatient’s.

“Me,” feminine voice answered.

The curtain was pulled aside, Lanias stood on the other side. She wore a blood-red suit, her black eyes held nearly nothing in the way of sympathy. She looked him over, “You look alive.”

He frowned, only to have his body slammed into the wall. Long, thick black ropes of magic held him in place. Angered beyond reason Raijins skin turned red and his claws came out. His mouth opened in a snarl, as he yanked on them. His black hair disheveled around his face.

“Let me go.”He roared.

Uncaring of the fact that she’d trapped an Ogre to a wall, and he’d completely reach rage mode.

Lanias closed the space between them. “They took my sister.” She stated as if it was an unknown fact, “and Tiller tells me I’m not allowed to get involved because I’m one of the four demons of Veil City, and it will cause problems.” She drew the word problems out, before clicking her tongue. Reaching up she grabbed his jaw, until her nails cut into it. “Your weak, and nothing you did kept my sister safe. But now I’m told I have to leave her safety to you.” She shoved his face away as she took a step back.

Tiller stood but didn’t interrupt her instead he watched on stoically.

She spoke aloud to Tiller while still facing the angry ogre trying to break her hold of him. “I am only assisting youbecause,my sister is the one you’re searching for but there’s a price you’ll have to pay for my services.”

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