Page 113 of Raijin

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“Oh, please don’t,” Oye said as she entered from the back room and jumped, landing on the love seat across from Sabina, “Don’t feed her licentious ways.”

Lanias rolled her eyes, picking up her own cup. “Prudes always want everyone else to suffer from Sahara Desert Vaj.”

Laughing, Sabina let her sister and cousin continue bickering until Lanias asked.

“So, when are you marrying that Ogre.”

Spluttering, Sabina nearly dropped her cup in shock. Blinking rapidly, she looked at her sister and cousin. “W-what?”

“Marriage?” Her sister repeated, “when is it happening?”

“Um, didn’t I recently get a divorce, like a couple of months ago?” Sabina asked, wondering when her sister had lost her mind.

Her sister shrugged, “Humans don’t count. Right, Oye?”

Oye crossed her arms and nodded. “Yep, their like test cars. You can turn them in and get yourself a monster with some power.”

“Then should I give you a ring now?” Raijin asked behind them.

All three women moved their gazes to the doorway. Raijin stood there with Kahlia on his shoulders. Oye and Lanias both had to cover their lips at the sight of Raijins hair in pigtails. And the lipstick nearly took them out.

Placing her cup down, Sabina stood. “Kahlia, what on earth are you doing to him?”

Her daughter puffed her chest out and announced proudly. “I made him pretty.”

“Your really did,” Lanias tried and failed to say seriously.

Shaking her head, Sabina reached up and without touching her daughter she lifted her and floated her over to Oye. Who caught the mischievous six-year-old, she grabbed Raijins hand and dragged him back down the hallway. “Come on.”


Raijin watched as she rinsed the washcloth through the water. He eyes taking in the smooth skin, and bow shaped lips. He could never get sick of looking at her. Even when her nose wrinkled and her eyes narrowed in irritation, she was beautiful.

“Hey,” she called, looking up at him in inquiry. “Sit down, you’re too tall.”

He took seat on the edge of the bathtub. She walked over to him standing between his legs. “I can’t believe you let her put make up on you,” she complained as she started cleaning his face. “If it’s waterproof, it won’t come off and I haven’t exactly had time to buy make up remover.” She clicked her tongue.

“Let’s get married.”

She stopped, dropping her eyes to his face. “What?”

He grabbed her hips and pulled her close, “Let’s get married, Sabina.”

She searched his face, before she went back to cleaning the makeup off. “If this is because of what Lanias said, you don’t have to do this.”

He grabbed her hand, stopping her from cleaning. Meeting her eyes head on, “No, it’s because I want this.” Gentling his hold of her hand, he brought it to his lap. “I spent the last two hours having tea with a six-year-old witch, and I never once was bored.” He said, his gorgeous lips turning into a smile, “I watched as she showed me her collection of buttons, that her mom had saved every time she’d seen a nice one. And the whole time, I could only think that she would one day be as beautiful as her mother.”

“Raijin—” She tried to pull her hand out of his. “You don’t, you can’t—.”

“No, Sabina. I do and I can.” He said holding her captive with his burgundy gaze. “You’re beautiful to me. Everything from your scars to the way you joke with your sister and cousin is beautiful to me. I don’t hate a single thing about you.” He pressed his freed hand against her cheek, “This skin, those lips. All are beautiful.”

Her expression turned into one of pain, “Raijin, I’m afraid.”

“So am I,” He said pulling her close, so that their foreheads pressed together. “I’m afraid that one day you’ll look at me with disgust. That one day, you’ll cringe from my touch and forsake me.”

“I would never do that.”

He teased, “I know, but I am afraid, even when I trust you with my life.”
