Page 13 of Raijin

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“I’m fine.” He grunted as he looked down at her. Sabina found herself captured by deep pools of ruby she held her breathe as if by instinct. A noise dragged those searing eyes from hers to the left. Sabina followed his line of sight, spotting a brown-haired stranger who quickly moved into the shadows.

Curious Sabina tilted her head to see where he’d gone.

“Are you okay?” The red-eyed man asked, taking her attention away from the brown-haired man she’d just seen.

Sabina gave him a short nod finally remembering how to breath, “Y-yes, I am.” He towered over her, his lower face hidden by the thick mask of leather and wire. Everything seemed to fall into the background when she looked into his eyes.

“Good.” He turned on his heel and left her, making his way to the steps that led to the lower bars of the Shade.

Sabina watched him go silently for a moment when a few feet away a door burst open and some of Lania’s girls came out loudly chatting. Shaking herself out of her stupor she bent down and picked up her lunch box. Putting the weird meeting behind her, she headed for her sister’s office.

* * *

“We should celebrate.”Lanias said as she read over the little notebook that hung in the air. She stood in front of her desk; her black eyes narrowed in concentration. “I have been too busy to congratulate you on your divorce.”

“I don’t think Sabina wants to be congratulated on failing at marriage.” Oye said, from the couch her hands busy manipulating a ball of metal lying between them. The iron substance expanding and collapsing under her will. “Wouldn’t it be better to, I don’t know; let her relax.”

Lanias pursed her lips and snapped her fingers. The little notebook disappeared in a puff of black smoke. She placed a hand on her hip and glared at Oye. “Just because your life is plebian at best, doesn’t mean Sabina desires the same. I raised her better than that.”

“I was actually going to go home, and finish unpacking.” Sabina cut in, to prevent her sister Lanias from trying to hex her cousin Oye. The two were like oil and water. Oye was a silver eyed, knife tongued rebel who lived the word ‘freedom’ to a ‘T’ and her older sister, was the epitome of a bourgeoise Black Witch with a personality like poison.

Lanias turned her glare on her. “Why? Kahlia is being watched by the ghoul nanny, and you’re almost done with your shift here. We should go party, or at the very least get drinks.”

“Pfft, why would she go anywhere to get drinks, when she works at a bar?” Oye cut in. Her body tensed when a black root shot out of the floor and wrapped around her like a coiling snake. Her fingers froze causing the iron she’d been manipulating to still. Oye didn’t bat an eyelash at suddenly being trapped. Instead, she studied Lanias with amusement. “You don’t have the balls.”

“Don’t test me cousin,” Lanias warned, before she turned her attention back to Sabina. “I’ve plenty enough on my plate, with these terrorists running around blowing up witches.” She stressed, before she turned her attention to Sabina. “You should celebrate starting your life over and coming back home.”

Sabina popped in the last grape from her lunch box and chewed it slowly trying to buy time. She honestly didn’t want to celebrate her failed marriage. Her sister was happy that she was back. Sabina understood this, but celebrating her ruined marriage also highlighted how naïve she’d been. The dreams she’d dreamed had been proven to be worth nothing in the face of reality. “I don’t think I’m ready to celebrate it yet,” Seeing Lanias look she quickly spoke up, “Plus, it wouldn’t feel right to celebrate now. Especially with what’s happening to other witches.” Gathering her things, she placed them in her lunch box. “Now, it’s time for me to get back to work.”

“Same,” Oye said, her fingers twitched, and the still iron ball burst into little strings that spun midair slicing the black roots to pieces. As they fell, she stood, putting out her right hand she pushed her will out. The spinning strings stopped and melted back into an iron ball. Oye closed her hand around it, when she opened her hand again the ball was gone. “I hope the guys on level one and two are rowdy. I have some steam I need to get rid of.”

“Tsk,” Lanias clicked her tongue. “I put you on that level to prevent trouble, not stir it.” She chided, before giving Sabina a scrutinizing look. “And you, I’ll hold back my plans for celebrating but don’t think we won’t celebrate it once you’re over this.” She waved her hand over Sabina.

Sabina wondered what “this” was and when did Lanias think she’d be over it. But instead of dragging the conversation out she said instead. “Sorry.”

Lanias shrugged, “No need to apologize. I understand. I can’t always get my way.”

Hearing this made Sabina laugh, “I don’t think that’s true, I’m pretty sure you could if you wanted to. “

Oye grabbed Sabina’s arm and started marching her to the exit. “C’mon, or we’ll be late.”

“Okay, Okay,” Sabina said giving Lanias a wave, “I’ll stop by after work.”

Lanias nodded, as she turned her attention back to the notebook that reappeared on her desk. “See you then.”

Together Oye and Sabina made their way to their perspective levels. Sabina was working on third, while Oye enjoyed the rougher seen in the lower bars one and two. Sabina still wasn’t sure if she fit the more affluent clientele on the third floor, but Lanias had put her there to make sure she stayed out of trouble. And she hadn’t seen any a reason to complain.

As Sabina reached the third level, she spotted a familiar person making their way to the exit. The man who’d she’d nearly ran over, his aura and size, drawing her eyes to his retreating back.

“Sabina, are you coming?”

Turning around, Sabina saw Oye holding the door open. “Coming.” Running over, she paused and glanced over her shoulder, but the man was gone. She faced forward once more and followed her manager to the break room. It was time she got back to work.


Save a Life

