Page 17 of Raijin

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Raijin could have commanded Malcolm’s silence, but he wouldn’t. He’d been given charge of these men, but he’d never once demanded their respect. He had earned it. And it had come with allowing them a certain freedom to their speech.

He was the biggest, but it didn’t mean he ruled because of his power alone. As they reached the Shade Raijin walked around Alek and the witch, to knock on the back door. “You don’t have to knock. I have a key.” The witch said as she walked forward as he retreated a few steps behind her.

He immediately tensed and gritted his teeth against the urge to capture her up in his arms and lick her exposed neck.

“Dammit Raijin, control yourself. You can’t eat an innocent.”

As if she could hear his thoughts, she paused, glancing over her shoulder at him before she turned her attention back to the door. She made a few motions in the air and they all heard the door click.

Someone whistled from the corner of the building. “That’s some Magic you’ve got there.”

Raijin didn’t bother to look at the speaker. “Where have you been, Castian?”

“Touring this lovely establishment, and finding out about this.” A man with shoulder length brown hair stepped out from the dark. His swagger was reminisced of a rakish Lothario. The many rings on his fingers and the playful smirk that played at his lips had caused many women to swoon. “They’ve been using Black Dust to cut through the veil and travel.” Castian lifted the little bottle he held between his pointed finger and thumb up and squinted at it. “It’s barely been reared out, some of the cheaper stuff.”

“Same as what was used for the Portal in the alley,” Malcolm added. “Do you think they are connected?”

Raijin thought over this. His informant had been telling the truth then. “Not sure, but we can’t completely dismiss the possibility.” He would need to start looking for those who sold black dust under the table. At least they now had a starting line.

His thoughts were derailed when the heavy steel door opened, and light flooded the back alley. The minute the woman in the doorway came into focus, Raijin knew he was staring at Madame Lanias. She coldly looked them over.

“Sabina, you and I both know you’re not up to the task of having sex with more than one man, so, please tell me why you’re re-entering my building with these people.” Her eyes landed on the past out woman, “and a human?”

Sabina?Raijin finally looked down at the Witch, who sheepishly smiled at her.

“I kind of got caught up in some trouble—” Sabina started but she stopped when she spotted long arms reaching out from the shadows behind Lanias to encircle her.

Alek drew her close, letting his lips rest near Lanias ear, he whispered. “Why don’t I take you to one of the many private chambers I’m sure this club has, and explain it all to you there?”

Raijin had observed women fall into Alek’s arms with less provocation. So, it came as a shock when the Madame didn’t fall for his seduction tactics.

Instead something black shot forward from the shadows and wrapped around Alek’s throat. With a choked gasp, he was jerked from Lanias and into the dark of the club. Lanias lifted a single brow as if she hadn’t subdued one of the oldest vampires in the world.

Lanias brushed imaginary dust from her shoulder. “Now that the roach has been removed, let us adjoin to my meeting room.” Her eyes landed on Raijin, “Where you can explain the current situation to me in detail.”

With that, she turned her back on them and made her way inside. Her gown changing into an all-black pant suit as her hair dropped down her back. She didn’t even glance at the vampire who was tied to the wall by what now could be seen to be black roots.


The Madame


They’d left Sabina and the human woman, in a guest room.

Raijin couldn’t stop the relief that flooded him, as her scent had slowly been driving his nerves up. Now, he faced Lanias outside of the room. Her black colored lips pursed, as she looked Raijin over, before she drew her eyes from Raijin to the rest of them. Lanias aura was cold, and her stance warned all of them to stay at a distance.

“I assume you have a warrant,” Lanias asked as turned and made her way down the hallways, “Otherwise feel free to leave now.”

Raijin reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a white envelope. And held it out to her. An unseen hand took it, it floated in the air before settling in Lanias hand.

She stopped before a black door and tapped the edge of the letter against her chin. The corner of her lips curled up mockingly. “I can feel the Magic,” she confirmed. “I guess the Council is very serious about getting me to help.”

The door behind her opened, revealing a riot of colors as a floral scent filled the air. Raijin skin pricked at the warmth that emanated from within the glass house. The flowers swayed as Lanias entered, as if drawn by her magic.

“Don’t be afraid,” she said. “I wouldn’t harm Tillers precious dogs. Plus combined, your Lore is far older than mine.”

Stiffening at this, Raijin shared a look with Castian and Malcolm both men gave him weary looks. Witches were known for their tricks, and Lanias was the most notorious of them all. She strolled down the stone pathway, stopping at the side of table that was set for two.
