Page 19 of Raijin

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“Are you intending to do this entire questioning form behind that mask?” she narrowed her eyes, “Don’t you think it’s a bit unfair to hide your face from me, while you’re free to judge my every expression, ogre?”

Raijin stiffened, only to catch himself when he saw her smirk. “I’m sure you are more comfortable with me because of my visible mask, then in comparison to your invisible one.”

Her smirk fell, and a brow lifted in acknowledgment of his statement. “Touché.”

“Now, Madame do you mind if we proceed with the questioning?” He patiently asked.

“Go ahead but make it quick,” she checked her wristwatch, “I’ve a few creatures from the lagoon scheduled to come. A few of their friends even have tentacles.” She offered him a lascivious smile.

He reached inside his pocket for a picture of another person; this was another agent who’d gone missing instead of showing up dead. “Have you ever seen this man?”

She placed two fingers on the picture on and turned it to face her. “I’ve seen him, he was here the week before Luther stopped coming. The two met, and it seemed like they were arguing.”

A black book appeared out of nowhere before her. Falling open the white crisp pages fluttered as they turned in a rapid speed. With a small ‘ah’ noise from Lanias the pages stopped turning, leaning forward Madame La’s dark eyes drifted over the pages, before she spoke. “Yes, here it is his name was Jamison, he only came with Luther once before.”

She snapped her fingers and the book disappeared, “He was tall, and I first thought he was a model with the figure he sported. I learned from the girl who was assigned to their table, Luther owed Jameson some ‘dust’ and had failed to come through with the good stuff.” She sucked her teeth at that, “The two argued, and Luther threatened to report him for something. Shortly after that Luther didn’t return.”

Raijin took this in with a short nod of his head.

“Have you seen this Mr. Jamison since?” He asked.

Lanias pursed her red lips, her eyes slightly narrowing in thought, “I can’t say I have, when it comes to my guest when a few of them loose their polish,” she showed her teeth, but it wasn’t a smile. “I pay less attention to them.” She tapped the edge of the table, her nails making a clicking sound. “If you want to know more about his schedule, I can send off an inquiry to my girls.”

Raijin observed her quietly letting his thoughts come together. He inwardly frowned; he didn’t usually have such a problem with focusing. For a moment he suspected the witch across from him of having spelled him. Raijin quickly dismissed the thought, from what he’d garnered she wasn’t the type to take a foolish chance.

“So—, are we done here Mr. Ogre?” Her annoyed voice interrupted his thoughts.

Digging into his right pocket, he pulled out the blood-stained card. “It would appear that Luther had been planning on coming to your establishment tonight.”

She flicked glance down at the card, before returning her eyes to him. “So?”

“There is a time stamp on it,” Raijin turned the card over, and in gold stylized ink was the time and day. “he’d planned to meet someone here. Do you have a record of people who come and go in your club?”

“We try not to observe to closely, the coming and goings of our clientele.” Lanias said straightening, Sarcasm dripped form every word, her eyes held a glint. “Also, if he was to meet someone here especially with that card it would have been a closed-door meeting.”

“Closed door?” He repeated.

She nodded, “Yes, it’s a scheduled meeting, the appointment is usually made by the Third-floor hostess. No names, no identity. The two holding the card will appear in the room, their identities shrouded, and voices blurred. Even I wouldn’t know who’d scheduled it.”

Her black eyes shined like oil on the surface of the oceans. “After all I make my money, because of my discretion.”

Raijin sneered, “Even for the very people who’d betrayed your own kind.”

She lifted her chin, her eyes flashing dangerously. “Rats, typically pay the most money Jackal.” She turned her back to him, “Surely we are done here—,” her voice was cut off by the sudden sound of a siren going off. Lifting her hand, she rolled her wrist and map of her building appeared out of thin air. Her eyes swiftly looked over it.

Tense, Raijin heard the door behind him slam open.

“What’s that.” Malcolm demanded angrily, his head whipping right and left as he searched for the source of the noise.

Castian appearance was lazy, but the tightness around his eyes and lips spoke louder than words of his tension. “Is this a fire drill?” He joked.

Lanias cursed, making a shooing motion at the map as she hurriedly walked to the door. “No, it’s my curse receptor.”

“Curse receptor?” Alek questioned appearing out of thin air near the door, barely moving out of her way as she rushed past him.

“No witch likes having people cursed under her roof without her knowledge.” She said, by way of explanation, her brow creased in worry. “Someone released a big one, and it’s in the room we left Sabina in.”

Raijin followed behind her unsure if he’d really heard worry in her voice. But he quickly dismissed it, Lanias wasn’t known for caring for others. With that in mind he followed her, soon over taking her with his longer legs.
