Page 26 of Raijin

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A Cursed Witch


Rajin felt another flash of pain at his temple, as he left the room. He’d overexerted himself once more. Standing near Sabina was a test not only of his patience but of his control. He wasn’t going to be able to keep his sanity if he was forced to continue being around her. He’d felt his anger explode at the sight of her ex. He didn’t want to examine too closely why he’d felt relief at learning that the man was no longer married to her.

Still, that confirmed something he’d silently wondered. She wasn’t a virgin, which took away the possible theory that her lack of experience was why he craved her.

Raijin frowned; his kind were drawn generally to virgins. Why was he pulled so to her, when she was obviously not one? Stopping some ways away from Sabina’s room, he could finally breathe normally so he took the time to gather his thoughts. He shouldn’t be worried about her status of purity, what he should be more concerned about was her connection with the kidnappers. Whatever secret she held it was obviously important to someone, the only question was how it tied with their to the death of the two victims, and the missing witches.

Changing his posture, he crossed his arms taking a step back to lean against the wall.


Hearing his name, he glanced in the direction he’d come previously only to see Castian coming his way. Seeing him, he straightened relaxing his posture. “What did you find?”

Castian brow quirked, “Not even a ‘hello’, aren’t you worried I might have encountered some danger.”

“No,” Raijin answered immediately. “What did you find?”

“Gregor confirmed it’s the strongest secret curse out there, it’s tied to her blood and it’s not to be taken lightly.” Castian confirmed, grimly. “But what’s new, is there is a time limit.”

Hearing this, caused Raijin’s eyes to sharpen. “Time limit?”

“Yes, apparently our little song here has a D-day for her secret. Unfortunately, to find out the time and day, we’ll have to call in someone to read the spell.”

Hearing this, Raijin pressed a finger to his temple slowly rubbing in circles. “And is there a way to find a Reader?”

Castian smirked, “Yes, but—.” He drew out the ‘but’, fluttering his lashes at Raijin who gritted his teeth.

“But, what?” Raijin snapped.

“We’ll have to submit a request, only the Vatican has clearance to read spells of this level.” Castian finished.

Raijin cursed, “Seriously.”

Castian nodded. “Yep, straight from the Vatican, their witches are the only ones carrying around the ability to read spells this old. Of course, I could take a dip into the black waters, but,” he shrugged, “I may or may not return possessed by a demon.” He eyes sparkled with interest, “Of course I am willing to do anything for our council.”

Hearing this made Raijin shake his head in amusement. “Your true self is showing,” reaching out he rested a friendly hand on Castian’s shoulder. “No, I will report my findings to Tiller to see what he thinks we should do next. But first we need to figure out what to do with our only witness.”

“She isn’t really a witness,” Castian argued, “She’s more like the prize.”

“It’s nice to know what you think of me.”

Both Raijin and Castian felt surprised hearing the annoyed feminine voice speak up behind them. Castian turned around, as Raijin took a step to the side, so that they could meet the annoyed glare of Sabina who stood behind them her hand resting on a floating I.V. that was in her arm.

“I don’t know much, but being referred to as a ‘prize’ has never been a goal of mine.” She turned her glare on Raijin. “You don’t need to do anything with me, what you can do is clear me so I can go home.”

Raijin, though reluctant to get close to her; took a step forward removing his hand from Castians shoulder. “You need to remain here, and under guard. We still don’t know who is after you—.” “I don’t care.”

Her voice held steel and her eyes sparkled with intensity as magic flecks of bright lights flickered off her. “I am going home.”

She continued, irritation coloring her voice, “I have a six-year old sitting at home wondering where the hell her mother is. I can’t just stay here all night and day, without a good reason, and Lanias has to work.”

Raijin brow creased; he’d forgotten that she had a child. “Still, I must insist.”

“Look, give me guards, or whatever but I need to go home, and I’ll be going tonight with or without your permission.” Sabin insisted.

Raijin frown deepened; it was rare for him to encounter someone who was so thoroughly unintimidated by him. He was accustomed to seeing two types of looks in people’s eyes, one; was fear when they learned who he was, and two; disgust, most felt disgust when they met him. A flesh eater, an Ogre.

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