Page 35 of Raijin

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Raijin didn’t argue with her, instead he answered with a question. “Aren’t all monsters the same?” He asked instead.

Before Lanias could respond, the sound of the ambulance arriving filled the silence.

Turning around, he gave her his back. “We will discuss what will be done after you’ve all been seen to.”

Raijin felt grateful that the witch didn’t argue with him. The way his blood was boiling he’d attack first and ask questions later. The minute he’d seen the alarm going off, he’d felt the sudden urgency to go to the witch’s residence. He’d known they’d be attacked; he’d known the enemy would probably come fully prepared, which had been made clear by the way the Blue Jays were dispatched without struggle, the house itself had been trapped within a soundless barrier.

Once they were at the hospital, he’d be able to breathe better. He tightened his hold on Sabina as he made his way out.


An Enemies Take



“You failed.”

The room of lower-case demons stiffened as they observed the one who’d brought bad news to their leader. The underground chambers they inhabited were already cold enough but with the added presence of their owners anger the temperature dropped to freezing. The demons all fidgeted some even nervously licked their lips and glanced at the exit in hopes of an early escape.

The speaker’s body was covered in a long black cloak, his face hidden by the shadows of the carven. The low-lit torches unable to give enough light to reveal his face.

“W-we weren’t expecting the Jackals to show up.” The demon before the man tried to the chamber.

“Ha,” A pale hand lifted and lightly placed itself on the arm rest as he stood. “I was told not to trust demons, over and over again.” The air changed as the demon retreated a step. “I wanted to be merciful, I wanted to be kind.” He drew the word out as he took another step.

The flickering flames expanded, growing denser as his temper grew. “I guess it’s time we ourselves handled this issue.”

The floor under the demons trembled. They began to nervously fidget in worry as flames shot up in the air, whipping out with low hissing sounds.

His lips parted revealing a ruthless grin, as the first demon was consumed by the flames. “But first, I should clean up the trash.”

With painful screams the demons began to run as he ruthlessly killed one after the other. Failure was unsightly, he’d handle the witch himself and gain the prophecy.


The steady beeping sound clued her into the fact that she was in a hospital once again. Her entire body ached.

Even though she was conscious, she didn’t want to open her eyes. She’d thought returning home, and getting back to her regular life with her daughter would naturally return everything to back to normal. That the issue of her curse would fix itself, but she’d been wrong. Whoever had kidnapped that young woman, was willing to go even further to keep their secret.

“How long are your intending to pretend you’re asleep?”

Opening her eyes, she turned to her right to meet the expressionless face of her savior. “How did you know I was awake?”

Raijin, who’d been sitting by her side the entire night shrugged. “Your breathing changed.”

Taking this in, she started to sit up. “I need to check on my daughter.”

“She’s with your sister next door.” He answered immediately.

She paused, “She is?”

“Yes, luckily she only suffered a few bumps and bruises.”

Hearing this didn’t assuage her worry and Sabina pulled the covers to the side. “I would prefer to see her for myself.” Moving her legs over the side of the bed, she went to stand only for a hand to catch her arm just as her left leg gave out on her.

“Hold it.” His voice was gruff, and his hand supportive. “You’re being too stubborn.”
