Page 40 of Raijin

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She stiffened at that, knowing it would be something she didn’t want to hear.

“Okay, I’m going back to my room anyway. We can talk there.” Without a word, she turned and made her way to her room with him silently following behind.


The Outer Rim


“Ihave to leave?”

Sabina stared at Raijin, not believing what she was hearing. “Why do I have to leave?”’

“You know why. They will attack again, and this time I can assure you they won’t make mistakes.”

Raijin words didn’t give her room to protest.

Sabina bit her bottom lip in frustration, she should have seen this coming. Her hands trembled as she clasped them together. “Can’t you just assign us better guards, and have them watch me—,” “That’s the problem, we did and look what happened.” Raijin cut her off.

He released a heavy sigh his expression showing a small bit of sympathy. He reached out to touch her shoulder but paused before lowering his hand to his side. “This will not only keep you safe, but it will keep Kahlia safe as well.”

“How? She’s only six, she won’t understand, she couldn’t.” she bit back her emotions, realizing her voice was warbling. She turned away from him. “I’ve already taken her father away and now I’ll be taking her mother.”

“You’re not going away,” Raijin said his voice harsh. “You’re leaving in order to keep her safe.”

Hearing the vehemence in his words, she returned her gaze to him. “It would be selfish of me to ask for her to come with, right?” she asked, her voice low. “I can do almost anything, but I can’t leave her behind.”

“If you don’t, you could be putting her in far more danger than if she remained here.” He gently explained.

She closed her eyes wanting to deny his words. At one point in her life, she’d sworn she’d be a way better mother than her own had been to her and Lanias. She’d be there for her child no matter what and would never choose a man over them.

She wouldn’t ever put her child’s belief in her in jeopardy and yet. Here she sat, having put her daughter’s life in harm’s way and also shown her daughter that love didn’t always work out. At this young age, her daughter already knew what it was to have no father.

This was her legacy so far, showing her daughter that love couldn’t conquer all.

At that very moment Sabina felt as low as she possibly could. Not looking at Raijin, she made her decision. “When do we need to leave?”

Silence met her question, and for minute she thought he wouldn’t answer. Irritated she looked at him, only to find that he was looking at her with a probing stare that made her feel uncomfortable.

“What? Is there something on my face?” She demanded.

His eyes came back into focus as if he’d completely forgotten he’d been talking to her. His gaze moved to her lips, before he gave a short nod. “We’ll be leaving tonight.” He said as he pulled a cell from his pocket. “You’ve made the right choice.”

“Was it?” She asked.

“What?” He looked at her in confusion

“A choice?” she asked.

The two of them stared at each other. Each silently weighing the other until Raijin broke it.. “Not much in life is.” With that he turned around and left the room.

Sabina turned her attention to the window, was her question too childish? Was that why he didn’t answer her? She smiled, finding small humor in the moment.

She couldn’t help but wonder what he thought of her. Sabina wondered if he’d ever felt out of control. As if everything he’d had hoped for came to nothing. Revealing that having hope was a waste of time.

The candles on the end table flickered, she looked up in time to see the walls grow dark, as the shadows crawled over them. The sound of cackling filled the room, stoically she waited for what she knew would come.

A gust of wind swept through turning the candles off. The darkness was alleviated by little balls of light that floated down around her like pollen. Her eyes remained forward, as two figures came into view. Their bodies incased in tight black outfits; one wore a simple dress of black with lace that covered the chest.
