Page 46 of Raijin

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“I don’t know if I should be impressed with myself, or irritated that you thought you’d be shipped to the middle of nowhere, without the ability to contact me.” Her sister said, as she entered the circle. It was similar to a video call; Lanias tapped her chin, looking around the room. “Looks like they didn’t take you to the Bowels like I had originally thought they would.”

Pulled out of her surprise by her sisters words, Sabina frowned. “How could you let them take me? I should have at least been able to say goodbye to Kahlia. She must be worried sick.”

“No, they altered her memories to,” her sister explained, moving on her end to what looked like a couch. Her earrings swung, as she sat, “I thought about removing it, but it was more convenient for her to think you were traveling.”

“Lanias,” Sabina snapped, angrily. “Just once, I wish you’d do something that I agreed with.”

“Hmm, you’re not being tiff with me are you? With everything going on, it’s best she doesn’t know where you went or have to deal with tragic memories of being torn from your side.” Lanias said easily.

“Who said she would have been “torn” from my side,” Sabina argued.

“No one, but she also shouldn’t know when or where you went,” Lanias pursed her lips. “Didn’t I explain this to you?”

Sabina shook her head, “No, you didn’t.”

Lanias expression turned thoughtful, before she shrugged, “Maybe I didn’t,” her eyes turned dark, “but you knew what would most likely happen once that Ogre told you, you were going to be leaving. We’re lucky that they didn’t just take you without letting anyone know. Not that I wouldn’t have found you, but I didn’t stop them as I felt it was a smarter for everyone involved that the situation be left alone.”

Closing her eyes, Sabina lowered her head. “I just want control over my life again, is that so hard to get.” she whispered harshly, as she reopened her eyes and met her sister knowing stare. “I wanted to pick when to leave, and how to leave. I know I’m being dramatic, but it was important to me that I be able to say ‘bye’ to her before I got dragged off to gods nowhere.”

“Tsk, I get it. I’m the mean older sister. I should have stopped the mean Jackals from taking you.” Lanias reluctantly admitted.

“Well, you’ve recovered with sending me this.” Sabina said, trying to recover the mood. “I can speak with Kahlia via this.”

Lanias expression turned thoughtful, “Sure, you should know that one of our agents were able to get a hand on a victims cadaver, I sent it to one of the witches in the human world to perform an autopsy on.”

She kept her voice carefully empty of emotions, “And?”

“What I first assumed to be terrorist, using witches bodies as fodder was wrong. It was my wishful thinking I suppose.” Lanias averted her eyes, her tone turning grim. “Someone has started the experiments again."

Sabina heart tightened as she felt an icy chill fill her body.

“I thought we’d finally found peace, and a place to belong but I guess I wrong to dream of life without nightmares.” Lanias continued, only to be interrupted by Sabina.

“Lanias, don’t you remember, you, Oye and I, we’ve never belonged. Even amongst our own.”

Silence reigned between them for a second, as Sabina memory remembered the sight of bodies piled high.

“We’re not children anymore, and we’re going to find them.” Lanias declared with determination, pulling Sabina out of her walk down memory lane,

Sabina nodded. “Okay, then what do we need to do?”


“She’s been in her room this entire time.” Alek said, as way of greeting as he entered the living room.

Raijin didn’t look up from the book in his lap, turning a page he gave a short nod. “Yes,” glancing at the clock he saw it was reaching midnight. “I won’t force her to come below if she doesn’t wish it.”

“He says after asserting his dominance a few hours ago.” Alek grumbled.

Glaring at the annoying vampire, Raijin set his book aside to stand up and go check on her. He wouldn’t admit it aloud, but he was very aware that she hadn’t left her room since their argument. He had been stuck between two choices, exposing himself to the face and scent that easily carved into his control or remaining at peace. He’d chosen peace.

He’d been trying to figure out, what about her did it. The book on the little table near his seat, was a testament to his attempt to discover what about her triggered him. He had loosely wondered if she was enchantress, but that was easily dismissive because she’d have to be born one.

Sabina was clearly a witch, even though she seemed less wicked then her sister. She still held charm, that only witches had. A seductive edge that was one step from being a seductress. Ascending the steps, he entered the hallway maintaining his calm he approached the door and knocked.

“Ah, who’s there?” She shouted sounding a bit flustered.

“It’s me, Raijin.” He answered.
