Page 51 of Raijin

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“I’ll have Alek drop them off, when he goes to check on them.”

She’d turned to him then, in confusion. “You’ve been keeping tabs on them?”

He looked away, “Yes, in case the enemy gets it into their head to take her and use her as bait.” He looked back at her, his eyes empty of emotion. “Best to be prepared.”

She didn’t know what kind of face to make at his words. On one hand she wanted to punch him, seriously who said something like that to a mother who’d been forcefully separated from their child? The other side of her, felt a tiny, tiny bit grateful to him for keeping an eye on her family.

“You must not deal with a lot mothers,” Sabina said.

His brow creased in confusion, “Not often, why?”

“Never mind, just sort of got a hunch that’s all. Anyway, thanks for letting me know they are all right.”

Replacing the candy in her cart, Sabina wondered how many times had she said, thank you to this guy?

Now, as they made their way back to the house she spotted a park across from the grocery store. “Do you mind if we take a seat, my legs are killing me.”

He gave a short nod.

Happy, she quickly made her way across the street, and plopped down with sigh of relief once she was off her feet. Bending she rubbed at her calves, “It feels like forever since I walked that much,” she laughed at herself, “maybe it’s time to get serious about working out.” She muttered to herself.

Straightening, she watched a few children play. Their shrieking laughter cutting through, the quiet of the peaceful afternoon. Two little girls ran over to their parents who’d spread a blanket on the grass to eat.

Her eyes squinted, “It’s amazing, how happy they look. I hope that the surface is as deep as what’s underneath.”

“Was it the same for your family?” Raijin queried.

She didn’t answer at first, then she tittered. “Maybe. Then again, Derek never hid his selfish nature. I just wasn’t ready to face it yet, that he was a liar.”

Apparently the Ogre was curious about her because he then asked. “You didn’t feel the urge to simply spell him to be a better?”

Her focus turned to the sand, as her right hand continued to rub at her calf. “While I don’t think I’m obligated to answer your question…I will.” She removed her hand from her leg, and straightened, digging into one of the plastic bags next to her she pulled out a bottle of water. “I did it once.”

“What?” He sounded surprised.

“Spelled my Ex-husband, to be exactly how I wanted him to be.” She confessed, taking a deep drink from her bottle. “It was I think after the second time I’d learned he’d cheated on me. Kahlia, was only three and his mother was nagging both him and I, to have another child.” She scoffed, shaking her head in amusement. “See, for some reason the woman kept harping about having a boy, and while she fawned over Kahlia she always lamented she wasn’t a boy.”

“I didn’t think western culture idolize having male children.”

She laughed, “Western culture? Well, no they don’t, not much anyway. It was one more thing she could criticize me about. Anyway, he cheated I caught him and got so angry I adjusted him.”

She didn’t continue, suddenly feeling a bit depressed.

“And—.” Raijin pushed.

Shrugging, she placed the bottle back in the grocery bag. “The usual cliché situation, it was fake. Everything he said and did was fake, so I let it go. I was in love with a cheating, manipulative man and to be frank having him act any other way wasn’t okay to me. So, I released him and now I’m divorced.”

She sent him a look, “And, now that I’ve told you my dark story. How about you explain that mask of yours? None of the other guys you work with wear one. Why do you?”

Riajin express turned grim, “Most ogres wear one.”

“Why?” She asked, truly curious.

“They wear it to hide the monstrous faces underneath.”

Sabina frowned catching on to the fact he’d said “they” and not “we”.

“And you, why do you wear it,” she asked.
