Page 65 of Raijin

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Raijin turned away from him, walking over to his bed. “Things change.”

“Do they or are you falling under her spell?” Tiller questioned.

Pausing by his bed, Raijin shrugged. “Spell or not. Doesn’t change what you did.”

“Well, my plan of letting her be taken, to lead us to the hide out has come to nothing,” Tiller said, changing the topic. “We’ll have to see if we can use her magical signature to find a trail to the place.”

“It’s underground in one of those abandoned mine shafts.” Raijin said, taking a seat on the bed beside Castian, his anger was still there but he needed Tiller’s power to find out information. “The prison they held me in was more illusion than real, but the magic was definitely upper level. Whenever I touched the bars, they were hard and unbending but if one of their own approached they could easily move through them like ghost.”

“Hmm, so they have a high-grade castor with them. Do you think it’s a witch or warlock?” Tiller inquired.

“Warlock,” Raijin said glancing at Castian. “They had markers in the corners. I couldn’t touch them, but the person was using chalk as a medium a lot like Castian uses metal. I could see someone had drawn a line along the floor.”

“So, Cambion demons, warlocks and Unseelie,” Tiller said thoughtfully, his ears twitching in thought. “We’re looking for someone who could bring these beings together.”

Alek spoke, “Obviously it’s the Unseelie, their power alone would draw lower beings.”

“Yes, but how are they moving around without anyone knowing. Secrets are tough to have here in Veil City and like you said their aura of power alone should have been sensed. And with them using the old mining shaft, they had to have help in finding said place.” Malcolm argued. “Also, if they have been kidnapping witches, they would have to have access to records, to know the levels of all witches. Every witch taken had to be known to be a dud witch.”

“Someone is giving them information,” Raijin said. “Unfortunately, we can’t accuse the rat here because he’s on our side.”

Tiller cut in, sending Raijin an annoyed look. “I merely allowed for the enemy to get close, I wasn’t sure of the place or time. It surprised even me when they took her from within the walls of the Council.”

“You were still aware they would try something,” Castian rebutted. “And you were okay with one of us getting taken because you knew we could be tracked but it’s not the same for the witch.”

Tiller only response was to hum in acknowledgement. Walking toward the door, he reached out placing a hand on the door handle. “Now we know for sure, that the secret she has is important. Once she is fully healed, Raijin you will take her with you back to HQ and we’ll meet with the priestess.”

Opening the door, he exited.

“He’s a walking dead man,” Castian said aloud.

“And who’ll be the one to kill him?” Alek asked, his silvery eyes filled with ennui. “You, dear Warlock?”

“I will.” Raijin said, staring fixedly at the door. His hands clenching and unclenching, “If he ever puts her in danger like that again. I’ll remove his head from his shoulders.”

Malcolm silently observed him before he said. “You’ve never cared about the other victims before. If, like you said; things have changed. You shouldn’t let Tiller catch on he will only try to use it against you.” Malcolm warned.

The door opened as the Doctor and nurse entered ending their conversation.

Raijin contemplated Malcolm words. The wolfkin was right, he’d never cared about what happened to the others. They’d used plenty of people. But something about Sabina, no. Because it was Sabina, he didn’t feel nothing. Instead, he felt both anger and terror at the idea of her being in danger.

While he’d sat in his cell rationing his strength for when his men would come for him. He’d grown more and more restless fighting his natural urge to break the bars and find her. He’d allowed himself to rot those five days, because he’d quickly figured out Tiller’s goal with allowing the enemy to take them.

Yet something in him had felt uncomfortable even as he told himself that if they broke Sabina and got the secret it would be less work for them.


He brought his hands to his face, covering it.

He remembered her gaze filled with helplessness until she’d seen him. Her expression had changed to one filled with hope. Even when he’d warned her to stay away, she’d crawled steadily toward him determined to be by his side.

He released a shudder and moved his hands from his face to his shoulder, letting his nails dig into it. Even now her scent permeated his senses, a mixture of irony blood and sweet lemon scent.

“May I?”

He looked up, jolted by the sudden intrusion into his thoughts. The doctor stood before him; a short wand held up. He motioned to his shoulder, “I need to check the wound.”

Straightening Raijin uncrossed his arms.
