Page 67 of Raijin

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“I-I can’t stop shaking,” Sabina said holding on to her sister, “it was terrible.”

“I know, I know.” Lanias said brushing a hand down her back. “Those bastards didn’t tell me you went missing.”

For a moment, the two sat holding each other and assuring each other of each other’s presence and safety. After a few minutes Sabina drew back as she wiped her tears. “I have so much to tell you.”

“I expect you do,” Lanias said before she lost her smile. “They said your legs were under a paralyses spell and you couldn’t walk. They’ve relieved it but it will be a few hours before you’ll be at full strength again.”

Hearing this, Sabina nodded absentmindedly her worry completely focused in another direction. Pulling away from her sister she took a deep breath. “I have something to tell you, but you can’t act on what I say until you’ve spoken with the others.”

Lanias frowned, “what do you mean? I wouldn’t act on impulse.”

Giving her sister a heavy look Sabina watched her flush.

“Okay, okay, I’ll control myself. I promise. So, tell me what it is.”

Swallowing down a wealth of hate, anger and disgust Sabina said the name that she’d sworn to herself she’d never utter again. “Dr. Clinger is alive.”

Her sisters’ hand smashed through the table with a speed that was mind numbing. Her hand pulsed with black energy. Her hair had completely unraveled, telling sign that Lanias had lost control of her magic.

Lanias pulled her hand from the hole she’d made in the table and slowly with no emotion on her face she asked. “Are you telling me the truth?”

The table crumbled to dust.

“Yes,” Sabina said, “the experiments are being done by him.”

Inhaling deeply, Lanias walked away from the side table and approached the chair she’d sat next to Sabina’s bed. “I’ll be back with Kahlia later. Right now, I need to meet with Oye and the others.”

She picked up her purse and coat from the chair before she left.

Sabina watched her go unable to offer any words of encouragement. She had nothing she could possibly say after that news.

What could she say when the boogey man had returned?

She had thought she wanted to return to her past but now she wasn’t so sure.

She turned away from the door to watch the play of lights on the windowsill, she hugged herself trying to give herself some comfort.

As she was drifting, she heard the door open before her eyes landed on the person who’d entered she’d already known who it was.

Raijin entered and it felt right that her heart jumped at the sight of him. He looked good having cleaned the dirt from cell off. His mask was firmly back in place and when his eyes met hers she saw exactly what was mirrored in her own.

Something intangible, yet they both knew it had a name. She desperately wanted him to hold her once more, like he’d done in that dark place. It had been her first-time to experience such a desperate need for someone else. To hide it, she lowered her eyes to her hands.

“Looks, like you’re doing better.” She started.

“Sorry.” He suddenly said.

She looked at him in confusion. Raijin came to her bedside and looked down at her solemnly, “You were taken because of my negligence.”

She shook her head, “No. it’s not your fault.”

“It is, we should have known that our enemy would attempt something like that.” He argued, “It was my job to protect you.”

She stared up at him, “Was it only a job?”

His brow creased at her question, and Sabina suddenly felt shy. Why had she asked such a stupid question? Of course, it was his job, she rubbed a thumb over the marking on her wrist. “Sorry, that was a stupid question.”

“It’s not.” He said cutting her off he reached out gently placing a hand on her chin. Those eyes she at first had feared, now giving her comfort; “It wasn’t only a job to me.”
