Page 74 of Raijin

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Stomach fluttering with her nerves, she lowered her gaze to the flame. Watching as it burned the wick, she felt her eyes begin to burn as the flame changed from its yellow color to a bright white. The smoke no longer clear, but black.

“Now, count backwards from five.”

The priestess voice seemed to come from far away, as the sound of something ticking filled the silence.

“Five, four, three, two, one.”

With a snap Sabina’s body suddenly felt weightless, as her surroundings changed from the room to an empty space of white. She was no longer sitting, but standing. Surprised, she turned in a circle looking for something, anything.

Someone spoke up behind her, “This is your magic.”

Whipping around, she found the priestess standing a few feet away. Her eyes open, a clear golden liquid spilled from her sightless eyes. “We need to find the odd flux within it.”

A whooshing sound filled the white space as Sabina felt her hair flutter in the wind. She lifted a hand to block it squeezing her eyes closed. As suddenly as it started it came to an end. Lowering her arms, she opened her eyes to find herself staring at a red heart dripping its dark matter onto the floor. It throbbed within the grasp of thick iron-colored thorns.

Her chest squeezed.

Crying out, Sabina fell to one knee her hand grasping at her chest. She coughed, her eyes filling with tears at the pain there.

The priestess walked to her side, and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Endure it, it’s trying to fight you off.” Removing her hand, she walked toward the curse. “It takes on its own attributes the longer it remains within you,” Approaching it, she clapped her hands together,“Our father who art in heaven, I quote thy scripture to purify and learn, my wisdom is your wisdom. Before me is my enemy, give me eyes of Michael as I seek to learn and not destroy.”

Her words held power, as she drew her hands apart a white light that sparked like electricity danced between her palms. Turning her palms outwards, she pushed her hand out the lightening shot toward the curse slamming into its unseen force field. The surface rippled, as the two fought with a cracking sound the lightening cut through the force field and entered the black heart.

With an inhuman shriek, Sabina collapsed to the ground her body thrashing in pain.

Unfazed, the priestess remained standing as the curse contracted and black smoke appeared overhead spelling words out.

Looking away from them, she looked at Sabina who remained on the floor curled up as she fought the pain running through her body. “You must look, I cannot see them they are blurred to me, an outsider.”

Opening her eyes at this, Sabina forced herself to move her head so that she could see. Squinting in the general direction of the priestess she saw the smoky words become clearer.

Three Weeks.

A sharp stabbing pain filled her head, she shut her eyes immediately pressing her hands to both sides of her head.

“Good,” lifting her hand, the priestess noticed her fingers starting to fade, “We are done here.”

A sucking sound emanated and once more Sabina was in the room. But instead of sitting in the chair, she was on the floor. She felt like every muscle in her body had seized up. Moving slowly, she straightened and pushed herself up.


Hearing her name called, she struggled to look up to find Raijin standing outside the circle. He looked anxious, his hands pressed against the bubble that surrounded her and the priestess, seeing it made her smile. Turning from him, she looked at the priestess who was brushing something red from her eyes.

Sabina cringed when she realized it was blood. Swallowing, she asked, “A-are you okay?”

The priestess smiled rising. “Yes, I’ve become accustomed to this.” Pulling a handkerchief from inside her sleeve, she wiped the residue away. “Now, you know when the secret will show itself.” Walking over to the circle, she bent and picked up a crystal off the floor. The bubble dispersed, finally allowing Raijin to come to her side.

“My work here is done.” The priestess said as she walked out of the room

A heavy hand landed on Sabina’s shoulder. She looked away from the exiting nun to Raijin’s worried stare. “I’m fine, can you help me up.”

Taking her hand, he helped her stand.

She staggered, falling into him. And for a moment she didn’t move, and he didn’t make her. She allowed herself to enjoy the closeness.

“So, what’s the D-day?”

Hearing this question, Sabina took a step away from him. Finding herself meeting the inquisitive gaze of Tiller.
