Page 84 of Raijin

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“You should.” Her sister egged her on.

“Nothing good will come from this.” She said again.

Lanias laughed, “We’re witches, no good deed goes unpunished.” She said quoting their favorite musical. “Be a dear and do something wicked for once in your life.”

Taking the paper, she set her cup down and stood. “You know what, fuck it.”

Walking past her sister, she headed for her bedroom. She needed to change her clothes to something more fitting for a midnight escape.

Lanias watched her sister leave, and snapped her fingers making the cup her sister had been drinking from disappear with a smirk.


Raijin was exhausted, he’d been running all day looking for anything, and everything that lead back to this Jamieson fellow. From what he’d discovered the man, was the go-to, to get weapons, spells, and women, he could get his hands on anything you needed for the right price.

He spent much of his time around those with deep pockets. And while finding out about him was easy, actually getting a hold of the man wasn’t.

Entering his building, Raijin flicked the lights on pulling his large coat off he tossed it on the dining table. It hadn’t helped that his last meeting with Sabina hadn’t gone well. He should have handed her daughter over to Alek, and left but he’d had to see that she was okay.

When her sister had insisted on letting her doctor look at her, he’d wanted to argue but he’d quickly remembered it wasn’t his place to argue where it concerned her. Walking into the kitchen, he pulled his fridge open grabbing out a bottle of water he made his way to the stairs heading to his apartment.

The light overhead flickered on and off, stopping midway up the steps he frowned at the overhead light. Looking down, he searched the lower floor. Sniffing he narrowed his eyes, when he picked up a floral scent. Shaking his head, he muttered a curse. Facing forward he continued to the second floor, which was his floor.

Since it wasn’t many of them, he and the other had split the floors. Pulling a key from his pocket, he opened the door to his apartment and entered. Placing the bottle on the table, he unbuttoned his shirt and he pulled it from within his pants. Letting it hang free, he reached up to undo his mask.


Spinning, he grabbed the uninvited guest by the neck lifting them he found himself staring up into startled brown eyes. Her hand slapped at his hand, “Can you,” cough, “let go.” Dazed he lowered the woman to her feet.

“What are you doing here?” He demanded, finally recovering.

Sabina squinted up at him, “Not trying to get strangled,” she said sarcastically rubbing throat. “Can you—.” She pointed at the bottle of water.

Turning he grabbed it, facing her he paused in handing her the water and asked, “Where are Malcolm and Alek?”

She smiled, “At home.”

Crushing the bottle, he ignored the water that spilled all over his hand and floor. “Are you crazy.” He roared.

She looked at the water bottle in pity, “there goes my relief.”

“Sabina.” He snapped, eating up the distance between them with his long legs. He towered over her, his eyes blazing with barely leashed anger. “What were you thinking coming here alone?”

She glared up at him, “You really thought you could just say you love me and then run away.” She spread her arms encompassing the apartment, “I don’t think so.”

“What?” He exclaimed, looking at her like she was crazy only to realize what she was wearing. He retreated a step, his eyes widening. “What are you wearing?”

She pulled the hem of her trench coat up, showing off her bare legs. “A coat, isn’t it cute.”

“No,” he said harshly, glaring at her. “You need to leave,” He turned away from her. “I’m going to call those two fuckers and have them pick you up.”

“Ah, Ah.”

He reached for the phone only for it to disappear along with the living room. He stiffened when he found himself in the dark of his bedroom. The door slammed shut, locking and he slowly turned to face Sabina, who stood before the door he felt trepidation intermixed with growing awareness that he had been manipulated.

Fiddling with her buttons, “I always wanted to role play,” undoing each button she continued. “But never got the chance.”

Swallowing, Raijin lifted a hand. “Listen, Sabina whatever you’re thinking about doing. Don’t.”

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