Page 94 of Raijin

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It had been a while since she’d traveled so much with her daughter. She couldn’t deny being happy about Raijin bringing them here.

Sakai lead her into a back room. Entering the room, he walked over to the closet and opened it and started digging around inside. He pulled out a stack of blankets which Sabina realized quickly enough was a futon.

He knelt and spread it out, “This should keep her warm through the night.”

“Thank you,” Sabina said. Feeling truly grateful as she carefully lowered herself leaning forward she laid her daughter down, slowly pulling her arms from around her neck. “We showed up so abruptly, and you accommodated us so easily.”

He scoffed, brushing her off watching as she removed Kahlias shoes and jacket with practice ease. “No problem, no problem,” said he once more, before adding thoughtfully. “I was surprised that he still wore his mask, but despite that he seems happier.” His expression turned solemn, “Back then, Yuki always feared he’d do something he’d regret, something she couldn’t save him from. I promised her, since I was likely to live longer than her; to watch over him. Us Kappas live pretty long lives.”

Taking this in, Sabina fished tucking Kahlia in. “He wore mask even as child?”

“Yes, it’s because—.”

“Sakai, I left our bags in the Inn.” Raijin voice cut in.

“Now, Raijin you know you’re welcome to stay in my home.” Sakai said rising to his feet,. “But then again, maybe you don’t want to spend time with me.” He shot Sabina a pointed look before he left the room.

Sabina flushed as she stood hoping to change the subject. “I really need to shower, does the room have its own Onsen or—.”

Raijin smiled at her, “What do you think?”

He reached down and pulled her into his embrace, pressing his forehead gently against hers. “Might as well do our roles justice.”

“Shut up,” she grumbled slapping his shoulder. She turned and looked at the sleeping Kahlia, “Is it okay for us to leave her here?”

He nodded, his free hand reaching up pulling down his mask, he nibbled at her neck. She released a small quiver. “Yes, we can come get her in the morning.’

“But we’re around strangers,” she said turning to face him. “She won’t like waking up alone.”

He stared at her for time before he gave short nod, lifting his mask. “We can enjoy the Onsen that the old man has at the back instead and I’ll move the bags here.”

Happy, she smiled and lifted herself up on her toes, and brushed her lips against the cheek of his half-face mask. “Thank you.”

He growled, slapping her ass, “Thank me another way.”

* * *

Twenty minutes later,she stood before a steaming Onsen and wasn’t sure if she’d mentally prepared herself for the sight of Raijin standing nude in the center of it. The man had an orgasm worthy body.

Sabina felt butterflies feel her stomach, as he swept a hand through his hair, exposing his forehead. His red tattoos bright against his paler skin, added an element of danger that made her thighs tighten.

Shit, she could already feel how ready she was. Her eyes drifted down to his dick, the length and width causing her mouth to water.

“Don’t tell me your being shy?” Raijin teased.

Sabina grabbed the edge of her towel and pulled it off, letting her body be exposed to his eyes. And watched in pleasure as they lost their focus, and grew hot. Burning into her skin.

He stared silently for so long, she began to fill nervous. She knew she had stretched marks; they were faded but it still made her feel self-conscious, or maybe it was the extra roundness to her belly and hips, she’d been working on them but right now, with the bright lights in the pool she felt on display.

She was so caught up in her thoughts, that when he suddenly blocked her view of the Onsen she jumped.

He didn’t touch her, instead he reached a hand out toward her almost immolating her earlier actions. “Come to me.” His tone was guttural.

The strong black female side of her wanted to ignore his command but the side of her who’d grown tired of always being strong, and holding things up wanted to surrender to him. He was stronger, rougher, and meaner than any other man she’d ever met.

And his hands were thickly coated with blood, but for her he wasn’t the Ogre. He damn sure wasn’t a flesh eater, he was just Raijin and he was hers.

Ever since her ex, she’d felt like there was nothing worthwhile about the current her. That the person she currently was, couldn’t hold a candle to who’d she’d been when she was younger.

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