Page 97 of Raijin

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She chuckled, closing her eyes she let her body be washed. “Never mind.”

Neither mentioned, the blooming white flowers that glowed under the moonlight that now decorated the boulder that hadn’t held a single flower before.


That night, they pushed their futons together and Sabina fell asleep in Raijin’s arms, holding her daughter who’d woken up as they’d the entered the room. Raijin held Sabina staring at her peaceful face to her daughter who slept in her mother’s arms, now in the appropriate attire.

For the first time, he didn’t feel apprehension at sleeping, letting his eyes drift shut, he nuzzled against his mate and fell asleep.


An Oni’s Sin


“You young kids shouldn’t spend your entire time cooped up inside.”

Sakai complained, for the third time from where he sat cross logged at a low table. He’d had it brought to their room.

“They’re okay with it,” Raijin said, nipping another piece of egg from Kahlia, who held it out to him. She released a giggle, and did it again. Raijin easily complied.

Sabina had only been here for two days, but she could tell that Sakai was like that lovable uncle, who wouldn’t leave them alone, but he meant well. She was actually grown quite fond of him since he’d brought her Banana Daifuku. Kahlia had grown fond of the old man as well; she’d taken to following him around and copying his gestures and his way of mixing English and Japanese words.

She swallowed some more soup, lowering her bowl. “Sakai-san, you never said how you ended up marrying a human?”

“Oh, you’re interested in this little old man’s story?” Sakai teased.

“Well before I met that ungrateful giant,” he said shooting Raijin an annoyed look, before his expression gentled looking back at Sabina, “I was a Kappa searching for himself. The great war with the Unseeli had ended and I had always had a desire to explore the world. Eventually I decided to cross over to the human world. While working I met the love of my life.” He laughed cheerfully, “she was terrified when I approached her, especially with me being a stranger; but then I smiled, and she smiled. It was this bright and beautiful thing.” He shook his head, seeming overcome with emotion, “When I tell you she was the love of my life, there is no other word for it. I didn’t know at the time; she was the daughter of an inn keeper here.” He laughed, “The coldest city in Japan.”

His expression turned stoic, “Her mother and father, didn’t like me at first. After all, then I was just an lowly worker, I wasn’t exactly worthy of her love. Especially with her being human and me, being well not. At first I planned on not telling her, but eventually I caved in and told her everything.” he sighed, “As for her parents, I simply continued to hide it. They were more likely to kill me than accept me. But my Yuki, she accepted me and was determined to live her life with me.” He gave a wistful look around the room, “this room had seen love and life, for more than a hundred years before I lost her.” He sniffled, rubbing at his noise, “Ah man, the tears are coming.”

Alarmed, Sabina quickly grabbed a napkin and handed it over to him, trying to change the subject she asked instead. “How did you end up meeting Raijin?”

He wiped his tears away, answering distractedly, “I didn’t, Yuki found him in the woods wandering.”

“Maybe we should go look around,” Raijin, said again stopping Sakai talking about the past. Sakai obviously catching on, sent him a searching look before he said his words heavy with meaning.

“You used to never remove that mask, but for your girl and the child you are willing to. Why can’t you yet face the reason why you wear it.”

Raijin reached out taking Sabina’s hand, “This is the reason.” Standing, he brought Sabina with him. Kahlia, not catching on to the tension jumped up.

Raijin met Sabina’s curios stare, “Let me show you around.”

She nodded, wondering when Raijin would be willing to share his past with her. They left the room; she gave a nod to Sakai taking Kahlia’s hand. He led her out of the room at a rush.


She called, but he didn’t stop. “Raijin, stop.”

He did but so short, she bumped into his back along with Kahlia. Taking a step back, she looked down at Kahlia, “Baby, go ahead to the room and pull out the clothes you want me to dress you in. Okay?”

Kahlia looked form her, to Raijin, before releasing a put-upon sigh and letting go of her hand. “Okay, mommy but Aunty said if you’re going to be angry, it’s better to do it in bed,” her brow creased in confusion, “why would you go there to be angry?”

“Okay, you know what? Room, and clothes, now.” Sabina said, physically guiding her daughter around Raijin, “Go on now.”

Kahlia pouted, making her way to her room. “I wanted Rai-rai to carry me.” She muttered.

“Kahlia Marie Clark.” Her daughter jumped, quickly running toward the door. Watching her disappear into the room, Sabina spun around.
