Page 99 of Raijin

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Sabina breath caught at what she could only think was Raijins twin walking toward them. He was just as tall and as fierce looking as Raijin, only his mask was white, and hair was pulled back in a bun.


Their attacked stopped an arms distance away from Raijin, “The murdering bastard truly dared to come back.” His hate filled eyes turned to Sabina, “and you even brought a family. Apparently two hundred years was all we could get from that bastard Legolas.”He added.

Raijin who’d been braced to fight, relaxed his stance. “I don’t have any business with you.” He turned giving his near twin his back, “Let’s go.” He said, eager to get away. Fuck it, call it what it was, he was running away before Sabina was told the one thing he didn’t want her to here.


He ignored him, intent on leaving.

“Cousin.” Raijin took a step back, half-turning he caught the punch his cousin had aimed at him. His cousin gleefully looked down at him, “You’re not running are you.Okubyo-sha (coward)

“Sabina, move.” Raijin yelled to get her out of harm’s way.

He prayed she’d heard him; he was assured when he heard Kahlia cry out for him. Feeling less worried, he opened his palm with a snap movement he grabbed his cousins arm spinning he tossed his cousin with enough force the man went right through a wall of one of the stores.

Breathing heavy, he straightened. Staring at the crumbling stone, he walked over to it. “I haven’t come back to take anything from you,” he said calmly, watching as his cousin struggled to get out of the rubble. “I will be gone before you know it.” He went to walk away.

“Natsuki.” A female ogre called; he recognized her as he cousins sister.

Stopping short, he felt as if a thousand years had passed from the days he’d answered to such a name.

“Natsuki.” She said his name once more.

His hands balled into a fist at his side. As he squeezed his eyes closed, he’d known he’d might meet people from his past, but he had the worse fucking luck for it to be the people who’d put him in hell in the first place.

“Raijin,” Sabina called.

His eyes opened and he saw her standing with her child in her arms. The light of the sun setting right behind her, she looked from them to him with worry. Nothing selfish in her gaze, no disgust.

“I don’t know what going on, but,” she looked from the wall to him. “Let’s go.”

He straightened feeling surer than ever that the past was in the past.

“Ha-ha,” Raijin heard the rubble fall, as his cousin began to stand. “Yes, Cousin do run,” His cousin accused, half-turning Raijin watched him rise. His cousin wiped the blood from his arm against his pants, “it seems even the bowels of hell can’t keep you.”

Raijin stiffened, fear binding him.Don’t

“I wonder if your wife knows what you did, what you’ve done to your own kind.” His eyes cruel and so very, very similar. His cousin drew closer, until he stood in Raijin’s face.

“Don’t.” Raijin choked out.

He cousin released a nearly hysterical, “You killed my father. You laid waste to our clan, and you dare to run from me.” He shrieked.

“Shut up.” He roared.


Raijin who’d been ready to attack his cousin to shut him up was stopped in his tracks, when Sabin ran past him, and shoved his cousin back with her magic.

“Atsuki.” The female ogre yelled in alarm.

“Go away.” Sabin yelled, and while it was childish Raijin felt something in him becoming so light that his heart twinge. She stood between him and his cousins, her hands tight at her side. “I don’t know your story and frankly I don’t care.” She shouted; he could see she was shaking. “Back off. I don’t need to know about his past and I definitely don’t want to know what you have to say about it.”

Turning on her heel, she grabbed his hand and without another word she dragged him along behind her. “Let’s go.” She waved with her other hand to Kahlia who’d peered at them from behind the snowman. Seeing her mother coming, she jumped from behind the snowman and with the haughtiness of all her six years she stuck her tongue out at the two people. She too took his other hand and together they left the outdoor mall and chaos behind.

* * *
