Page 101 of Castian

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She laughed, “Are you supposed to harass the patient?”

He pushed up and gave her a wicked look. “Don’t worry, I’m a doctor.”

She laughed, before her laughter quickly turned into a moan of pleasure.

Oye was genuinely happy, there was nowhere else she wanted to be other than in Castian arms. The mad Warlock had stolen her iron heart.

She mildly wondered if he was ready for the triplet’s mischievous ways, and her wild ones. Then again, her love did weird things to him.




Tillon was dragged forward, his knees scraping against the stone floor. The two hands holding him roughly released him, throwing him down.

One minute he’d been enduring the dark of his cell, and the cold of the stone floors. His mind played tricks on him before he was suddenly dragged from his cell.

“Hello, mister Napier.”

The hood that was on his head was roughly pulled away revealing his face to the harsh light. He flinched at the sight of the warlock with a somber face who leaned against the wall. Twirling his staff in his hand, the scar that decorated his face was something Tillon had always been weary of.

He looked from him to the shadow hidden face of his Lordship. He quickly threw himself at the man’s mercy. “Your lordship, I cannot apologize enough. I was foolish, no, no. I was arrogant to believe no one would search our home estate.’

“Are you sure that was your only sin?” His lordship’s deep voice spoke coolly, the dark shifting shadows that was his face rippled. “Your brother, I told you to kill him, why didn’t you?”

“I-I—my father stopped me. Every time I sent someone to do the job, they’d disappear.” He desperately explained.

“Ah, then after his death and your mother’s death, why was he not killed?”

Tillon moved his lips, but no words came out. He searched the room for an ally, but the only ones who stood in the room were only out for themselves. The unseelie, who stood in the corner and the warlock whose name he could never remember and him.

His face paled, as his eyes widened. “Please, please give me a cha—” His voice was cut off, as his neck slid sideways, and his head hit the ground.

“I do not have the luxury of giving second chances,” His Lordship said as he wiped the blood from his hand. He released a sigh, “How is the hunt for the female going?”

“We’ve gotten ahold of the records that were blacked out by the council before the Purge.”

Tossing his handkerchief into the fire, the lordship smiled, not that those in the room could see it. “The army we were planning on using has been discovered, looks like we should focus on the other sources. We cannot bring Veil City to its knees, with my plans constantly being disrupted.” He turned to look at the warlock. “It will be time for you to do something permanent about those Jackals.”

The sound of something crunching, had all of them looking at the male who knelt next to the dissolving body. His hair was blood red, and his acid colored eyes met his lordship’s. “Your enemies are growing, and your mission seems less promising.” He grinned standing, as he licked the warlock’s blood from his fingers. “Sounds like something fun is stirring.”

His lordship didn’t respond to him, but turned his back returning to the scarred warlock’s side. “Focus on finding the woman of prophecy, she is our key. The rest do not matter, and once we have her in our hands the world will come to its knees.”

All of them disappeared from the room.


“I heard you learned a bit more about my origins.”

Lanias said to Tiller, entering his office as if it was her own.

She’d started doing it more to see his lips and eyes pinch. He hated her making it obvious they had some relationship; it drew too much attention though he didn’t think the woman before him cared much about such things. She seemed more interested in his learnings about her past.

He shoved the papers spread out on his desk aside. “I know your origins, what I want to know is why the Purge happened and why said purge was covered up.”

“Why?” she asked, brushing her fingers along the side of his trophies. Before looking at him with her twinkling black eyes. “Is it because of the name at the bottom of the documents? Tiller.”
