Page 103 of Castian

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Raijin pulled a black card from his pocket. “That works, just guard the blue jays who are checking the area and make sure nothing too fishy is passed over.

Taking the card, he sniffed it. “Cool.” Then with a chime, he suddenly disappeared.

* * *

The minute he arrived at the site; he was greeted with the usual looks of disdain from the blue jays. He’d grown used to it a long time ago. The birds always put on airs when it came to mercenary types like him and the others. And sense Raijin had taken up with a witch, one of the most hated groups of people among the beings; the hate had doubled.

As he moved past the huge, twisted gate, he winced. Castian had done a number on the place. Castian had a playful mad nature, but once he was angered the playful side of his nature completely disappeared. Malcolm released an impressed whistle as he took in the hole the size of a small SUV in the side of the building.

“Are you here to be our guard?” The question was asked by a man who’d come through the hole. His eyes were sharp, and an investigator’s badge swung from his lanyard and read, Jamison.

Malcolm nodded, ignoring the hand he offered to shake. “You must be the human liaison.”

The male dropped his hand coolly, and gave a short nod. “Yes, we have a mix of your kind and our people here looking into things.”

Malcolm took this in. “Lead the way, I don’t like idle chatter.”

Jamison smirked, but nodded nonetheless and led him back in.

Malcolm, who’d done this more to escape, was still surprised by the amount of people who’d been taken.

“Everyone is calling it the doll house,” Jamison explained as they passed several bodies that were held in suspended state, the green glow could be considered a sick color. “Luckily, or unluckily depending on who you ask these people are alive, we just are worried that awakening them will cause the same issue one of your people pointed out.” They stopped before a door that read exit, he knocked twice, before it was opened by another blue jay. “Some don’t have complete control of themselves,” Malcolm spotted two bodies in the corner, only to meet Jamison’s hard eyes.

“We tried two, it was enough to know that we shouldn’t awaken all of them, especially not in this environment.”

As they walked, passing a few rooms that had clearly been used for the experiments. Malcolm frowned when something tickled his nose.

“We’re going to—”

Jamison’s voice faded away, as he continued walking forward Malcolm turned his attention to a hallway that was dark, and it didn’t seem like many had gone down it. Turning off the path, that was lit with little lights that were lined along the floor.

He walked down the dark corridor, his nose twitching as he grew more agitated. He reached the first door and pushed it, the door opened with a rough creak, but nothing was inside. He wondered at the feeling of disappointment, but he quickly continued down the hallway opening one door after another, until he reached a door at the far end. There were three bars in front of it, and a special code box near it.

Ignoring all of these security measures, he grabbed the lock and snapped it off before kicking the door in.

His eyes were greeted with another being held within a glass tube, but she was different to his eyes. Her figure floated and her body was nude, parts of her body appeared sewed together, the skin altogether was covered in a litany of Sanskrit that continued to change.

His head filled with whispers as he drew closer. Her dark hair floated all around her and just as he was an arm’s length away the whispers stopped and suddenly her eyes opened.


A cold sensation ran down his spine, he took a staggering step back and shook his head. It wasn’t possible. He squeezed his eyes shut, before opening them once more to find her still there and this time she’d floated down to press her hand against the glass.


He took halting steps forward until he was close enough to the glass to see her breathing. Reaching up he placed his hand against the glass.


