Page 7 of Beastly

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I pop up and glare at him. I’ve heard all about how you treat her. How she’s your secret weapon. You give me her and you don’t need a secret weapon. I’ll give up everything I’ve taken over the last month. Hell, I’ll even throw in a million dollars to sweeten the pot.”

“You’re talking about selling my daughter!” He growls, his mouth tight.

“I’m talking about taking your greatest asset. She is a big portion of how you keep your little evil empire running smoothly. I’ve seen her at work in videos etc. She’s worth way too much to your company.”

Her value is priceless to me. But if there’s one thing I understand it’s business and that man is not willing to give up even one iota of control.

He looks shell-shocked. “Why on earth do you want her?” The contempt in his voice surprises me. She’s his daughter and yet his voice is cold, hard and void of any emotions at all.

She’s a piece of him and yet you’d never know it. He sounds like he’s discussing a piece of old furniture.

“It doesn’t matter. But you’ve got ten seconds to make up your mind. After that, I’m going to get up and leave and at that point, you might as well kiss your company good-bye. I will bury you.” I’m half-tempted to anyway. Just to watch him squirm and to pay him back for his attitude towards her.

He’s too pissed off to see the warning in my eyes but I blink when he stands in front of his attorney and nods his head. “I’ll draw up a contract and you can do whatever the hell you like with her.”

I eye him angrily. I’ve already got her settled in my mind but I nod to my attorneys. “Get the contracts ready.” I smirk at him when he eyes me angrily. “I’ve got everything ready for your signature.” After that, he’s not capable of keeping the anger out of his voice.

“You’ve thought of everything haven’t you.”

“I have. Sign the papers.”

I grab her soft, silky arm and feel her slight movement under my hands.

“Come along, princess. You belong to me.” I nod my head to Jeremy and I’m shoving her out the door like I’m some kind of conquering barbarian stealing my treasure. Or a dragon protecting his hoard.

I’ve finally got what was always meant to be mine.

Either way…she’s where she is supposed to be. And she’ll never get away from me.



Shock holds me captive for a moment. Shock and anger. I just watched two huge men of business trade me like I’m a piece of office furniture and I’m livid.

How dare my father do this to me?I’m a human being with emotions and feelings which I guess I’m going to have to learn to turn off even more so.

I jerk my arm out of the man’s hands, stunned at the way his lightest touch scalds my skin like he’s branding me.

But he doesn’t let go. Instead, his lips quirk lightly and he jerks my arm, letting me know that he’s the one who’s in control.

“Come along. I want to get you settled.”

I don’t think I’ll ever be settled again. I’m chattel to these two men. One because he doesn’t give a damn and the other one? I’m not really sure.

“Why do you want me?”

His dark head whips around and he stares at me, the golden fire in his brown gaze glistening and sparkling like the sun on water.

“Because I don’t have a choice. As soon as I saw you, I knew you were destined to be mine. I will use any means necessary to make that happen. Including burying your father.”


“I’ve done my research, little angel. I know damn well how he’s treated you over the years.”

My lips tighten and I stare at him, transfixed by the anger in his gaze. An anger that seems to be fueled by some other, darker desire that I see slithering under the surface of his amber eyes. Something hot and primal.

“And you intend to treat me any better?” I scoff, unconcerned if I piss him off. I am pissed myself. All my work and scraping together that money is now for naught. It’s still hidden in my father’s house. “What about my things?” I make a last-ditch attempt to get back there, get it and hopefully it will be easier to escape from this big man.
