Page 105 of Reckless Bonds

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Well. Sort of.

I feel both men move themselves. I feel gentle hands and smell Bobble’s clean scent as he cradles me. “She’s done so well, First,” he whispers.

My eyes are closed, but my lips curl at the compliment.

“She did, Third. She very much did.”

“Get us a cloth,” Bobble says softly.

I’m shocked when Sunder agrees. It’s not like Bobble to issue a command, but in the moment, it feels right.

My caretaker.

Sunder returns and I feel the cloth gently dab away some of the fluid covering me. Then I’m jostled slightly, before coming to rest on my side, Bobbles arms wrapped around me.

The bed dips, and Sunder gets back in it. I feel his arms come from behind, wrapping forward.

“Sleep, Mira,” he commands.

I don’t hesitate for a moment.

Chapter Forty-Four


I enter Yurghen’s private study tentatively. I’m glowing in the aftereffects of the morning, and I’m not afraid to broadcast that at all. The bond intensifies the pleasure and excitement of our lovemaking, allowing us to feel each other’s desires.

I already crave more, the desire pulsing inside me. I’m healed, I feel great, and apparently, that means I’m ready to get my brains fucked out.

Sunder turns to look at me, wearing an incredulous smile. I know that he can feel me. My need pulsing, hungry for more.

I kind of like it.

“You’re insatiable, Mira,” he remarks.

I give him my impish grin, acknowledging that he is absolutely correct. It’s still strange how he can sense my feelings. I’m not entirely used to that yet.

Together, we make our way through a small room filled with bookshelves stacked with leather-bound volumes. The desk is cluttered with ledgers and open books, filled with scrawled notes in the margins. As I look at the handwritten annotations, I can’t help but think of the man who wrote them.

A wave of nausea hits me as the smell of burning flesh assaults my senses. I fight the urge to empty my stomach. The horror on his face flashes through my mind, and his screams echo in my ears. My knees nearly buckle, but Bobble Man is there instantly.

He seems to understand better than Sunder does about the guilt I feel. Taking a deep breath, I try to reassure myself that he deserved it, once again. Bobble places a comforting hand on my shoulder, understanding my turmoil. I close my eyes and focus on the task at hand, taking a deep breath.


“So, what exactly are we looking for?” I ask, pushing down my intrusive thoughts.

“Anything useful that might help us merge,” Sunder answers bluntly. Not particularly helpful.

I sigh, doubting we’ll find anything of value. Sorting through these books properly could take years. Considering I’ve only known about soul magic for a couple of months, I’ll probably be the least helpful in this search. I sit down on one of the few chairs scattered throughout the study and start flipping through the nearest book absentmindedly. It’s mostly gibberish to me.

Sunder and Bobble stand on opposite sides of me, seemingly protective in their positioning. They scan the book spines and leaf through some volumes with interesting titles. Yurghen was a powerful mage, and I highly doubt there’s going to be some spell book lying around that conveniently contains the exact ritual for merging the fragments again.

But I look anyway, just in case. Hours pass slowly, and the pangs of hunger slowly rear their head.

As I’m about to suggest we find something to eat, Bobble jumps from his chair, waving a book in the air.

“Look at this! It’s Yurghen’s logbook from two hundred years ago. It talks about an apprentice who wanted to learn about merging.”
