Page 20 of Behind The Screen

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Their words taper off into mumbling, and their grip tightens. That bit of pain makes my eyes water, but I soldier on, encouraged by the way their body moves and tenses. I stretch and fill their pussy with my fingers and tease their nipples with my other hand. Within seconds, their back is arching, and they’re crying out my name.

Fuck, I love it when they do that. The sound of my name on their lips as they come is so fucking hot.

“Who would’ve known sex with your stalker would be so hot?” I tease as I curl up next to them. I know we’re not done yet, as Io is never satisfied with just one orgasm. We’ve been going almost all night, which is why they found me still in bed at sunset. My body has been so very well taken care of since following them to Malibu.

“I’m not your stalker.” They pinch my nipple playfully. “I am your partner.”

I wrap myself around them like a clingy koala, loving the way I fit so perfectly into their space. We met in the strangest way possible, but I’ve grown to like my little stalker, my partner. They’re kind and courteous. They listen and keep me safe. They got rid of my father, telling him lies I’m sure he didn’t believe. I’m sure he still wants me back in France, back with the family I supposedly abandoned.

But for now, I’m left alone in Malibu, taking a break and enjoying the ocean while I decide what I want to do with my life. Because while I never want to be a trophy wife, just a woman mooching off their partner’s money, I won’t deny I needed a fucking break. And Io is happy to let me have it while I figure shit out.

“I think I like you,” I tell them, my voice quiet and tired.

“Well, I love you, so…I guess I have some work to do to get us on an even keel.”

I try not to roll my eyes because they’ve been telling me this since we arrived in Malibu. But they can’t know that yet, and it feels weird to accept love from someone I’ve known for a month.

“I want to take you out tonight,” Io says, smacking my ass to wake me back up and change the subject. I think they know I still feel a bit weird about everything. “Let’s get up, and I’ll start working on leveling that playing field in the shower.”

Their eyebrows wiggle, and I can’t help the laugh that escapes me. My debt is paid, I have more than ramen to eat, and absolutelynothingsmells like stale pizza. I can finally breathe and enjoy my life day by day, with a person who wants to take care of me. So I roll out of bed and squeal as I run to the shower, Io hot on my heels.

I never thought selling sex online would lead me to my person, but here we are, and I don’t think I’d have it any other way.
