Page 77 of Keep It Together

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“Just wait,” I told Eddie. “You’re going to find someone who will make you so nuts, you’ll do just about anything to get her attention.”

“Pass. But I’m happy for you two. I guess.”

“Thanks, Ed.” There was a softy in there somewhere. He just hated to ever admit it.

I finished up pulling out the rest of my kitchen stuff and boxing it up. Eddie was very particular about the way he liked things. Soon, there wouldn’t be a trace of me in the whole place. Except maybe for the turquoise fridge Winnie helped me paint, and no doubt, Eddie would find a way to replace that eventually, too.

But that was okay, because now it was time for Isaac to blend his style with mine. His life with mine. His heart with mine. And I could not wait to get started.

He pulled me into him after the last of our boxes were loaded into his truck. “Ready to head home, wife?”

I hugged him so tight. “Yes, please. Take me home.”

