Page 59 of Eva's Shelter

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“Really? I was sure I’d seen everyone in this town at least once.”

Her quiet, distracted reply told him more than anything else. She was worried by whatever she’d seen on that flash drive.

“She won’t be alone.”

He felt her staring at him. “Come on. You’re worried. If it has anything to do with using my grandmother’s computer, you can relax. She won’t be alone.”

“We just left her alone.”

“My sister is on her way. A boy scout troop is on the way. And Mrs. Jackson has probably drawn up a spreadsheet to schedule visitors by now.”

“Mrs. Jackson doesn’t like spreadsheets.”

“You know what I mean.”

“When did you put all those precautions into place?”

“I can only take credit for Mrs. Jackson.”

“You told me not to worry.”

“You told me you weren’t worrying,” he countered. He preferred the attitude she was giving him now. He reached over and took her hand. “Focus on dealing with your case. I’ll worry about the local details.”

“Thanks.” She slid her hand away. “Here’s hoping the two don’t collide.”

Chapter 15

Theplanetoucheddownon the runway and taxied toward the small terminal. Bakr unbuckled his seat belt and turned on his phone.

“Sir,” the steward stepped forward. “You have a call.”

He accepted the aircraft handset and waited until the steward had moved out of earshot.


“She’s out of the house.”


“They’ve stopped at a police-owned firing range.”

She hadn’t fled from the intruder, yet she willingly left the safety of that house for target practice. Interesting. “The bodyguard is with her?”

“Yes. He is a sheriff’s deputy.”

“The same man who has been with her?”


“Kill him.” The small town officer had proven himself valuable to her. The man’s blood would be on her hands. More guilt, more leverage to use against her.

“And the woman?”

“Leave her.”

The man hesitated. Bakr gritted his teeth. Annoying yes, but it would be foolish to ignore the instincts of the man in the field.

“You are questioning my orders?”
