Page 37 of Devoted Desires

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“There’s something different about this place. The energy feels… cleaner? More pure? Grams must have built this.”

Emrys smiled at my observation and then held out his hand to me again. “It might even be older than that. There’s more.”

I didn’t hesitate before taking his hand in mine and following him through the grasses until we reached the center of the circle of standing stones. The stones were slightly taller than Emrys and spaced evenly apart around the circle with enough space between them for us to walk through without brushing against them. The closest stone was just a few feet away from where we stood.

Each stone was roughly oval in shape and covered with etched markings that seemed familiar yet foreign at the same time. Looking closely at one of them, I realized they were runes from an ancient dialect of mage language that I hadn’t learned yet in my studies.

“Thank you for showing me this.”

When I looked up again, Emrys was standing right in front of me. He ran his hands down my arms, his eyes full of desire as he leaned forward and placed a kiss on my neck right below my earlobe while his hands continued down my sides until he gripped my hips and pulled me close against him with a groan. His considerable erection was unmistakable against my belly as he pressed forward against me with slow movements that had me panting within moments.

“You smell so good, Sera Lowe,” he murmured against my skin as he moved along my neck towards my jawline with soft kisses and gentle nibbles along the way.

I tilted my head back and closed my eyes as wave after wave of pleasure washed over me from both his words and his touch alone. He ran his hands up along my sides over the silky fabric of my robe until he reached the underside of my breasts just as he slipped his tongue into my mouth. The sensation shot straight to between my legs, making them feel heavy. When Emrys pulled back, I wanted to cry out at being denied more contact with him, but then he whisked off the sash holding up the front of my robe open in one swift movement before sliding it off over my shoulders and dropping it onto the mossy ground. I felt the energy of the stones all around us, and I had to wonder if that was what made me feel so light-headed.

My breath caught in my throat as I stood there, naked under Emrys’ gaze. His eyes raked over me, lingering on my breasts. I arched my back, and he growled low in his throat.

“You’re stunning,” he murmured as he reached out to me and ran a reverent finger down my neck along the line of my collarbone. I shivered at his touch, eager for more of him. More of everything he had to offer me. “I’ve wanted since you first walked into my magical ethics class back at Goldenbriar, Sera Lowe.”

My heart thrummed in surprise at his words. In this moment there were no games or coy flirtations from Emrys; just raw honesty from a man who didn’t seem to know how to hide his desires from me. It was refreshingly honest, and it made me want him even more than I already did.

“Now you have me, mate. What are you going to do with me?” I asked breathlessly as a wave of desire washed through me at the intensity in his gaze when he looked at me like that. Like I was everything he wanted.

He said nothing else as he slipped off his shoes and then his shirt before unbuckling and shedding down his jeans without ever taking his eyes off mine or moving closer to me again until they fell onto the ground moments later. When Emrys stood before me naked in all of his glory, all thoughts fled from my mind besides how much I wanted him.

“You are so damn sexy right now. You take my breath away with your beauty, Sera Lowe,” Emrys said huskily as he walked forward towards me again until we stood toe-to-toe again pressed against each other body-to-body. Time lost meaning here among these stones when I could feel the energy coursing through every nerve ending in my body just by being near him like this again.

His hands moved to my hips, and he pulled me forward against him until the head of his erection slid along the wet folds of my sex. I gasped at the contact and all but begged him to take me. “Please, Emrys.”

He groaned in reply before he leaned forward, hooking his arms under my knees, and then swept me off my feet. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held on tight as he walked into the center of the circle. I felt a tingling sensation wash over me that made me shiver with anticipation for what was to come between us. When we reached the center stone, Emrys sat down on it with a grunt and then slid back until his hips were laying flat against it. He pulled me forward again until I straddled his lap, facing him with our faces inches apart again.

“I want you so much right now, Sera.”

“I’m never letting you go, Emrys,” I replied breathlessly as I thrust myself down onto Emrys’ length in a movement that had us both moaning at our joining in mutual blissful ecstasy. The gardens and the standing stones heightened the wave of pleasure washing over us, leaving me breathless.

We didn’t need words after that; only actions filled with passion-fueled abandonment as we reveled in our newfound bliss alone in each other’s arms out here under nature’s canopy away from everything else around us, except for these stones watching over us from their silent perches surrounding our secluded glen.

I was the first to come, crying out my pleasure into the night air. Moments later, Emrys tensed beneath me and then let out a roar. His seed flooded me as I milked him for every drop he had to offer me. The moment passed, and we laid there panting against each other until our breathing slowed back down to normalcy again. At that moment, I couldn’t imagine anywhere else I’d rather be than together with my mates, building our future together.

“I feel like I could stay here with you forever,” Emrys whispered, his breath fanning against my neck.

When Emrys stomach growled, I let out a giggle. “I may have forgotten to mention Caden has a pile of waffles cooked up.”

“In that case,” Emrys rolled over, going in search of our clothes. “I’m putting forever on hold until after breakfast.”

He handed me my robe, and I stood up and pulled it on. “Since when are you my sensible guy?” I asked.

He pulled on his jeans and then winked at me. “Waffles trump sensible, mate. Every time.”

