Page 65 of Wine and Gods

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Her hands flew over his back, exploring every inch of his toned muscles, until finally coming to rest on his hips. She guided him closer to her, their bodies melding together like two pieces of a puzzle in perfect harmony. The heat between them was undeniable, and with each touch, she felt the electric connection that connected them. Before giving in to their desires without restraint or hesitation, he paused for a moment and produced a condom, ensuring a safe encounter as they surrendered to their passions.

Blaine pulled Erin in close, the warmth of her skin and her sweet scent flooding his senses. He felt a primal energy radiating from her as he moved against her body and she responded in kind, passionate cries escaping her lips. His movements intensified as their bodies moved in perfect harmony until the frantic feeling of desire built to an ecstatic peak.

Erin’s breath hitched into Blaine’s ear as he brought them closer and closer to their goal with each movement of his hips. Blaine pulled back slightly and looked into Erin’s eyes, suddenly overwhelmed by the desire for her that burned in him. They had finally found the sweet spot together and were riding a wave of pleasure so intense he could barely string two thoughts together. It was more than any feeling he’d ever experienced, but he knew it would be over all too soon. Suddenly, she clenched around him with her orgasm, and he made one last desperate thrust before giving himself up to the unexpected euphoria.

Blaine rolled off Erin and collapsed beside her on the bed, their limbs entwined. He stared at the ceiling as he tried to catch his breath. Perspiration shone on Erin’s skin and gathered between her breasts, which heaved as she breathed. When Blaine looked at Erin, her face was a mixture of desire and triumph.

He knew the score for today. Dionysos: 1. Zeus: 0. Blaine might have given her pleasure, but he hadn’t won her fealty.

Blaine knew he couldn’t allow himself to be distracted by Erin, not when so much was at stake. With a final, lingering touch, he pulled away, his voice low and gravelly. “We shouldn’t have done this, Erin. Not while you’re fighting the rule of the city. Fighting me.”

Erin’s eyes sparkled with a mix of understanding and defiance. “Maybe one day, Blaine, we’ll find ourselves on the same side.” Then Erin’s expression hardened, her eyes blazing with determination. “I accepted you into my bed, but I won’t bow to you or the council, Blaine. I will fight for this temple and for the people of this city, no matter what it takes.”

Blaine stared at her, the raw power and passion in her voice stirring something within him. He knew he should walk away, leave her to face the consequences of her defiance. But as he pulled himself away from her touch and turned to leave, he couldn’t help but wonder if there was a way to harness Erin’s strength and use it to benefit the city.

With that, Blaine gathered his clothes, dressed, and left Erin’s office, the memory of their passionate encounter lingering in his mind as he steeled himself for the conflicts to come. The battle lines had been drawn, and he knew that things between them would never be the same. But deep down, a small part of him couldn’t help but hope that they might one day find a way to reconcile their differences and work together for the greater good of the city. For now, however, he had a job to do, and he wouldn’t let his feelings for Erin stand in his way.



Erin sat behind her desk in her office, her mind still reeling from her intimate encounter with Blaine earlier that day. She couldn’t help but feel drawn to him, but she also worried that if she caught feelings, she might become soft and less effective in her fight against him. She traced her fingers over her lips, still tingling from their passionate kiss, her heart fluttering at the memory.

Erin’s gaze drifted to the window. She thought back to the morning interlude with Blaine. She felt an electric sensation race through her body, and heat rose in her cheeks. A faint pulse of need vibrated between her legs, and she caught herself licking her lips at the thought of his touch. She knew she had an advantage with their physical connection, but she couldn’t bring herself to use it to get her way. She wanted him to stand up for her cause out of genuine belief, not because of any lingering pull between them.

Her musings were interrupted by the sound of the door to her office creaking open. Maria, Erin’s ex-boss and a devotee of Apollo, unexpectedly stood in the doorway, her eyes narrowing as she scanned the room with disapproval. Maria’s sleek, dark hair was pulled back into a tight bun, and her tailored suit accentuated her statuesque figure. The scent of her sharp, citrusy perfume filled the room as she walked in.

“Erin, devotee of Dionysos, you need to come with me now. The city council demands your presence,” Maria said, her tone authoritative and unyielding.

Erin frowned, taken aback by the sudden intrusion and Maria’s brusque demeanor. “What do they want from me? I thought I made it clear to Blaine that I’m not backing down.”

Maria sighed, her eyes narrowing further. “You think this is some kind of game? The council and I will not stand by and watch as you drag this city into debauchery and chaos. Denver thrives because of the order and clarity the council brings to the region, and we won’t let you undermine that.”

Erin bristled at Maria’s words, but held her ground. “Things might seem great for those in power, but not everyone shares your perspective. If things were truly perfect, Dionysos wouldn’t have called me to be his devotee. People need a place where they can be free, express themselves, and feel accepted.”

Maria’s expression hardened, her eyes flashing with anger. “There’s more at stake here than you realize, Erin. We’re trying to maintain a balance in this city, and your temple threatens that.”

Erin stood up, her voice steady and determined. “Perhaps it’s time for a change, Maria. The old ways aren’t serving everyone, and it’s time we give them a voice too.”

Maria sighed, her eyes narrowing further. “Mayor York was supposed to bring you before the council today, but it seems he’s been sidetracked,” she said, unaware that Erin’s encounter with him earlier was the reason for his absence. “So, I’m here to fetch you.”

Erin’s cheeks flushed as she remembered the stolen moments with Blaine, surprised that he’d neglected to tell her about the city council meeting earlier. Then again, he had been distracted. Or the distraction? She tried to mask her heated thoughts by feigning annoyance. “Fine. I’ll go, but don’t expect me to bow down to your demands.”

As Erin stood up and strode out the door, the sound of Maria’s stilettos followed close behind her. Erin glanced over the club’s main floor, the scent of incense and wine lingering in the air. She worried about leaving the temple unattended, but as if sensing her concern, Finn appeared by her side, his bright green eyes filled with reassurance.

“Don’t worry, Erin. I’ll make sure everything stays safe while you’re gone,” he said, his voice soothing and warm.

Maria looked down her nose at Finn, her eyes cold and calculating. “Don’t be so sure about that,” she replied dismissively, making it clear she doubted his capabilities.

Erin bristled at Maria’s attitude, but she forced herself to keep her focus. “Thank you, Finn. I trust you,” she said, giving him a smile before turning to Maria. “Let’s get this over with. The sooner the council accepts my presence in this city, the better.”

With a terse nod, Maria led Erin out of the temple and toward the city hall. As they walked, Erin took in the sights and sounds of the city—the hustle and bustle of people going about their daily lives, the hum of traffic, and the aroma of food from nearby restaurants. It was a stark contrast to the tranquil, indulgent atmosphere of the temple, and Erin couldn’t help but feel a pang of longing for the haven she’d created.

As they approached city hall, Erin steeled herself for the confrontation ahead. She knew that Maria and the other council members would not be easily swayed, but she was determined to stand her ground and fight for her vision of a better, more inclusive city.

As they entered the imposing building, Erin felt the weight of the council’s authority bearing down on her. Despite her anxiety, she drew upon the strength of her divine connection, her resolve unwavering as she prepared to face the council and defend her temple.

