Page 74 of Wine and Gods

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The weight of the oracle’s words hung heavily in the air, bringing a hushed silence to the group. The taste of unease lingered on their tongues, and the distant sounds of raucous laughter from the temple felt jarringly out of place.

Azimuth had gone ashen, his radiant aura dimmed by dread. His eyes were wide with fear as he exchanged an anxious glance with Kobol. The stout warrior looked equally shaken, his ruddy complexion paling as he gripped his hammer with white knuckles.

Seeing the unflappable daemons so shaken sent ice water through Nadir’s veins. Never had she witnessed them react this way, not even when battling the vicious drakes of Muspelheim. Their visible dread could only mean one thing—the fae’s resurgence didn’t just endanger them, it could mean utter annihilation.

Nadir nodded, her expression serious. “What can we do to prevent that from happening?” she asked, her gaze meeting Erin’s.

The scent of damp earth mingled with the sharp tang of blood as they examined the dead fae and considered their options. The tension was palpable in the air, as each of them knew that one misstep could lead to a catastrophe.

Kobol, still studying the fae’s lifeless form, finally spoke up. “We can’t just bury it here. That would be too obvious. And we don’t want the fae to think that one of their own has been murdered.”

“Couldn’t we hide the body in the burrow?” Nadir asked.

Azimuth shook his head. “Porting it to Sheol isn’t an option. We’d trigger wards just by bringing him over the threshold.”

“Plus, the fae have ways of tracing their own,” Orias added. “They’ll find him once they come looking. We need to get this one far away from here, and fast.”

The group exchanged glances, the gravity of the situation pressing down on them like a lead weight. Nadir’s fingers traced the intricate patterns of her daemonic tattoos, seeking comfort in their familiar grooves.

Azimuth’s fingers brushed Nadir’s arm, the brief touch a silent reassurance. His voice was soft, but firm. “We need to make it look like the fae left on his own accord to avoid raising any suspicions.”

Kobol’s eyes twinkled with a sudden idea, a wicked grin spreading across his face. “What ifImake it look like the dead fae is leaving of his own will?” he asked. “If everyone sees him walk right out of here, then no one will look to blame Erin.”

“How can you manage that?” Erin asked.

“You’ll see,” Kobol said, shooting her a conspiratorial wink. “If we can hide the blood, I think I can make it work.”

The group stared at him, considering the audacity of his plan. It was risky, but the stakes were high, and they had to try something. The sound of their heartbeats thundering in their ears, drowning out the distant noise of the temple party, as they weighed the consequences.

Erin, biting her lip in apprehension, interjected. “What can the rest of us do while Kobol moves the fae?”

Orias stepped forward, his voice a hushed murmur. “I’ll use my connection to the shadows to create a diversion, drawing attention away from the area.”

Nia nodded, a determined glint in her eyes. “I can help by returning to the party and making sure everyone is focused on the celebrations.”

“And I’ll stay close to Kobol,” Nadir added, “providing support if needed.”

With the decision made, the group prepared to execute Kobol’s daring plan. As they began, the air seemed to thrum with anticipation, and the scent of danger mixed with the fading sandalwood, leaving them all on edge. It was a desperate gamble, but it was their only hope to prevent starting an all-out war with the fae. With one last shared glance, they set their plan into motion, hoping against hope that it would be enough to stave off disaster.



Kobol stood in the center of a circle created by Erin, Meri, Orias, Azimuth, and Finn. He paced back and forth, his arms waving wildly as he explained his plan in a voice filled with enthusiasm. Erin studied their faces. Meri’s eyebrows were knitted together in concentration, Orias stood with his brow arched and lips pursed, Azimuth had crossed his arms in disapproval, and Finn gave a tight-lipped nod. She wondered if she was the only one who thought this was madness.

“Are we really doing this?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

Erin looked around the circle, her heart racing. Kobol was so enthusiastic and yet, she couldn’t help wondering if they were really going through with this plan. She caught Meri’s eye and gave her a questioning look. Meri shrugged in response, but before Erin could say anything, Orias spoke up.

“Kobol, I don’t think this is a good idea,” he said, his voice even. “It seems too risky.” Azimuth nodded in agreement while Finn frowned and remained silent.

Kobol let out a sigh, his exuberance waning. “I recognize your anxiety,” he uttered. “But I am confident that if we can make this happen, it will secure Erin’s Temple.” He paused for a moment, then looked each member in the eyes and asked, “Do you believe in me?”

The other four exchanged glances as they deliberated silently among themselves. Finally, Erin spoke up. “I just met you, but if Meri trusts you, so do I,” she said firmly, deciding after a few moments of consideration. The others followed suit, and soon they were all resolved to embark on the daring plan that Kobol had concocted despite their reservations about it being too risky.

“Oh, we’re doing it,” Kobol responded, grinning. “And it’s going to be epic.”

Erin sighed. “All right, let’s do this.”

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