Page 87 of Wine and Gods

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Afterwards, they lay entwined together in perfect contentment as the phosphorescent lichen illuminated their faces. Nadir snuggled closer into Azimuth’s embrace, feeling completely at peace with the world around her.

Azimuth leaned down to place one last kiss upon Nadir’s lips before murmuring softly in her ear: “No matter what happens now,” he said reassuringly, “I want you to remember how much I love you.”

Nadir smiled back at him fondly before responding with equal sincerity. “I will never forget it.”

As they lay entangled in each other’s arms, their breaths syncing in the alcove's quiet, Nadir felt a sense of peace wash over her. Despite the impending danger, despite Belial’s wrath, she knew they could face whatever came next. Together.

She was awoken some time later by a distant rumble, a sound that echoed ominously through the tunnel. The ground beneath them shuddered, dust and small pebbles raining down from the ceiling. They exchanged a glance, their peaceful post-coital nap replaced by a surge of adrenaline.

“Belial,” Azimuth murmured, his voice low and grim. Nadir nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. “He must have gotten impatient waiting for us.”

They quickly pulled on clothes, barely managing in the cramped quarters before being yanked by an invisible hand, the pull so intense it left them gasping. The phosphorescent glow of the tunnel was replaced by the familiar wooden walls of the burrow. They were back.

A wave of relief washed over Nadir, the familiar surroundings a welcome sight after the oppressive darkness of the chasm. She looked over at Azimuth, his expression mirroring her own relief. But the peace was short-lived, their joyous return marred by a looming presence.

Belial stood before them; his towering form wreathed in an aura of raw, unbridled power. His crimson eyes blazed with fury, and the fires of his wrath reflected in their depths. “Nadir. Azimuth.” His voice reverberated through the burrow, the timbre of his anger echoing off the walls.

Against the far wall, as though they were prisoners awaiting judgment, kneeled Orias and Kobol. Their bodies trembled with fear and rage, their heads held high in defiance of their bonds. The magical manacles that bound them glowed like hot magma and radiated an aura forceful enough to scorch the eyes.

“You dare defy me?” Belial roared, his voice thunderous. His gaze was a burning brand, searing Nadir and Azimuth with its intensity.

Their brief respite was over. The burrow, their haven, had become a battlefield.

“You gave me no choice, Belial!” Nadir shot back, rising to her feet. She could feel Azimuth beside her, his body tense, his power humming beneath his skin. They stood united, a bulwark against Belial’s wrath.

Belial sneered, his lips curling back to reveal sharp, predatory teeth. “You had a choice. You could have obeyed my orders, yet you chose defiance.”

“I bow to your will, Prince, but I would not stand by and allow Nadir to be destroyed,” Azimuth replied, his voice resonating with a resolve that sent a shiver down Nadir’s spine. His icy aura flared out, a stark contrast to Belial’s fiery presence.

Belial’s laugh was a terrible sound, a mirthless chuckle that echoed ominously in the burrow. “That’s not bowing then, is it? You will pay for your defiance. You will learn the price of crossing me,” he snarled, his voice a promise of impending doom.

Nadir felt a chill run down her spine, the reality of their situation hitting her with full force. They had defied one of the most powerful daemons in existence, and now they had to face the consequences. As she gripped Azimuth’s hand, the comforting warmth of his skin a stark contrast to the bitter dread coursing through her, she knew they had to face whatever came next. Together.

As Belial’s power surged, ready to unleash his wrath, Nadir locked eyes with Azimuth, a silent promise passing between them. No matter what happened next, they would stand together, bound by their love and shared defiance.

But even as they prepared themselves, a question lingered in Nadir’s mind. Would their love be enough to withstand the wrath of a prince of Hell? As the burrow erupted into chaos, she couldn’t shake the feeling that they were about to find out.



Blaine led the way into the cavernous city archives, Erin trailing behind him. Erin’s heart raced as her gaze swept over the bookshelves and archival boxes, her new mayoral title an anchor in the swirling chaos of her life. As they descended the winding staircase, an old musty scent filled the air, a tangible reminder of the history that lay within these walls. The dust seemed to whisper secrets and stories of generations past as they made their way further down the maze of corridors and stairwells.

The two finally reached the restricted archives, where a single door stood between them and their destination. Blaine stepped forward and placed his hand against a stone panel on the wall. With a loud creaking noise, the door slowly opened. “Now that you’re on the council, this access panel will work for you too,” he said. “Just touch it like I did.” They stepped inside the chamber, and Erin was immediately struck by the silence and stillness.

The room was filled with row after row of ancient scrolls, illuminated by the light from the narrow windows. Blaine stepped forward, and as he did, the air seemed to awaken and swirl around them in anticipation. Erin looked around in wonder, her hand slipping unconsciously to her side as if being drawn to some invisible force.

She could feel it now - the energy of the room vibrating with power and possibility. This was the only place in the city where records stretching back centuries could be accessed.

“You’re taking to this whole mayor business like a fish to water,” Blaine remarked, his voice echoing in the hushed stillness of the archives.

Erin shot him a sidelong glance, a faint smile tugging at her lips. “It’s easier to swim when you’re thrown into the deep end, Blaine.”

They ventured deeper into the archives, the dim light casting long shadows on the rows upon rows of dusty shelves. Erin’s fingers trailed over the spines of ancient books, her pulse quickening as she felt a subtle tingle in her fingertips. It was like Dionysos was right there with her, guiding her hand.

They spent hours sifting through texts, unearthing tales of the fae’s magical prowess, their complex society, and their troubled history with humans. Erin felt a chill run down her spine as she read about the fae’s merciless attacks during the last Great War.

“Gods, Erin,” Blaine breathed, running a hand through his hair. “These fae are no joke. Look at this. They can control the elements, they can shapeshift. They’re like something out of a comic book.”
