Page 9 of The Wrong Man

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“I’m Eddie Loman. Been here twenty years, if you need anything.”

“Hello, I’m Essa Minsky. I suppose you knew my father?”

His gray eyes scanned the house, as if remembering the years that had passed. “Well, some. I saw a lot going on here. When he was alive, people came and went at all hours, mainly at night. Never knew he had a daughter. I can see why he’d keep a young thing like yourself hidden, though. I would, too.”

My body cringed, and I stammered for some type of reply. Ugh, maybe my first impressions were right.

“How old are you anyway? You got a man?”

“I’m eighteen, and no. D-do you have a woman?” I tried to be snarky, but he made me feel so uncomfortable it was difficult to muster the confidence to do so.

Eddie snorted. “No, sweetheart. Been alone since Leticia died. I’m sure nosy Glenda told you about that. I kept Leticia company sometimes after your father’s death. Not that she needed much.” I didn’t know what that meant. And I didn’t want to ask.

Eddie nodded at my house before I could walk away. “Do you want me to check things out in there? Make sure it’s safe?”

“I don’t think—I think it should be fine. Do you guys get break-ins a lot around here?”

“Never.” He let his eyes wander down my small frame, hovering over my little breasts and landing on my hips. Crossing my arms, I wished I had worn a bra under my tank top. Not that I really needed one, but his gaze made me very aware of my nipples. “But if you need me anytime, just come get me.”

“Thanks.” I hurried inside.

Clutching my phone in my hand at the ready, I checked over the house while holding my breath, but nothing seemed amiss. All the doors and windows were still protected. Maybe someone had been trying to peek inside. My skin felt like it was crawling with bugs, especially knowing my closest helper had kept the woman who lived here “company.”

It would be nice to have someone to watch out for me in these situations. Despite her tenacity, I don’t think Piper could take on a burglar. Eli should be out of prison by now, but I suspected he wanted to avoid meeting in person, knowing I’d had a crush on him. I probably made him feel too uncomfortable.

Darting upstairs, I checked my laptop for any messages. My heart fluttered when I saw he sent me one on Facebook while I was out. With a better phone, I could have those apps installed and see them immediately. If I accepted the bid for my virginity, I’d have the money for a really fancy one.

Elijah Griffin: Hey. I’m a free man. I hope you’re enjoying your new house. I have a new phone and number if you want it.

He left his number below the message. Punching it in my phone, I triple checked to make sure it was right as I saved it in my contacts. His icon showed he was online. Excitedly, I typed, then deleted, then re-typed what I wanted to say. “Talking” to him live was weird. We had never done that before, and I wondered what his voice sounded like. As I wrote out the message, things morphed from a fictional universe into reality. Eli was no longer an abstract pen pal, but a genuine person.

Me: How does it feel to be free? I cannot imagine. I put your number in my phone. Do you want me to text you mine?

The response was immediate:

Elijah Griffin: Hi there! This is weird, right? Messaging live. Everything is strange to me right now. Just getting used to it all. I had a day off today. Hadn’t had one in years. Yeah, text me your number if you feel comfortable. Otherwise, we can just use this if you want. I just want to be available to you if you need me for anything. Make sure you’re safe. How’s the house?

Me: I just texted it to you. The house is okay. It probably needs a lot of things I don’t know how to fix.

Pursing my lips, I debated on not even telling him about the mysterious occurrence while I was out. He seemed overly protective, and I didn’t want to bring him into my troubles when he had so many of his own. However, I was feeling scared to sleep alone in the dark house. Between creepy Eddie next door and someone trying to rob me, I ultimately decided to ask for his help.

Me: I think someone was going to break into my house today while I was out. My neighbor is nosy, and he didn’t see anyone, though. Not sure if I’m just overreacting.

When my phone rang, my heart skipped several beats. It was him. If I picked up this call, I would hear his voice for the first time. Every day for the last five years, I had imagined what a conversation with him would be like. This was a new step in our relationship. Everything was about to change.


“What happened?” a deep, gravelly male voice grunted into the phone. Heat lit up my core as my clit pulsed.

“Um, I was out. When I came home, a trash can was under a window, and the storm door was open. The doors and windows were still all locked, and nothing had been taken.”

“I should—Are you safe?”

“Yes, yes. I checked everything. It’s so weird to hear your voice. Is mine pip-squeaky?”

Eli made a sharp exhale with a breathy laugh. “No, not at all. This is all so bizarre... I’m a mechanic, but I’ve never worked on cars before. I can make whatever food I feel like it. I can shower and shit alone. There’s so much space in my apartment that I can exercise in it.” Hearing his voice made me wet between the thighs; the longer he talked, the more aroused I became. My pulse was racing like I was doing sprints for track.

Lying back on my pillows, we continued to chat. Eli told me about his first drive-through hamburger the day he was released. He had almost forgotten how to drive, but it came back to him. I told him about meeting Piper and Glenda down the road, but skipped out on Eddie.
