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“Charlotte tells me you worked forPlanet X.”

“I did. For about five years. Maybe again. We’ll see.”

Melanie asked Noah about some of his travels as Anthony and Sasha returned. A guy standing behind us overheard Noah talk about Nepal and Mt. Everest and joined in. He introduced himself as Zach and said he’d been to Kathmandu a year ago. He practically coughed beer out his nose to hear Noah had worked atPlanet X.

“Dude! That rag is the bomb!” Zach turned to tell some of his friends. The next thing I knew, we were surrounded, and Noah was peppered with questions about some of the places he’d been and the extreme sports he’d participated in.

I studied Noah carefully for any signs that it was all too painful for him, but he seemed to be doing okay until Zach nudged his shoulder.

“Hey, Noah. Did you know the guy who worked atPlanet X? The cliff diver who wound up in a coma?”

“Yeah, I know him,” Noah said, his voice low. “That was me.”

Now Zach really did choke on his beer. “That was…? Holy shit! But you look good, man. Not a scratch on you.”

“I wouldn’t say that.”

I saw one of Zach’s friends make a negating motion. He tapped the corner of his eye and pointed at Noah’s cane folded beside him.

“Oh, shit…” Zach said. “Hey, I’m sorry. I’ve already had one too many of these things. Beer, I mean,” he added quickly. “Let me get you one. Or something stronger? What’s your poison?”

“I don’t drink,” Noah said.

“Oh.” Zach frowned. “Is that because…you know?”

“Nah, man. I’m the designated driver.”

A silence fell among those gathered around us and Zach blinked. Then everyone burst out laughing, dispelling the tension that had started to thicken in the air.

Anthony clapped Noah on the shoulder—but not too hard. “I’ll bet you get a lot ofmileageout of that joke,” he said, and everyone groaned.

“No puns in my presence!” Regina strode up. She held a tall glass filled with ice and bubbles. “Noah Lake,” she said, holding the drink to him. “Pellegrino with lime because this is a fancy fucking party.”

He took it with thanks and my heart felt ready to explode with happiness…until Regina turned to me. “Conroy. You’re up. Let’s do this.”

My joy turned to nerves, and I felt Noah’s hand slip into mine as the radio music went silent. Regina announced to the room that the entertainment portion of the party was about to begin. Noah took his sunglasses off, leaned in, and kissed me softly and that was all the reassurance I needed.

Regina, a pianist, had an old Steinway set up next to the makeshift stage. On the stage itself were three little fold-up chairs and a drum set. I grabbed my violin case and took a seat next to Melanie who propped her cello against her knee while we rosin-ed up our bows. After a hug for me, Mike Hammond got set up behind his drums while Felicia Strickland, in braids, black vinyl, and combat boots, tuned her guitars—one electric, one acoustic.

The knowing smile was back on Melanie’s face. “So. You and Mr. Lake seem really cozy. How’s that going?”

“Slowly,” I said. “We’re taking it slowly. Or trying to. For lots of reasons.”

“The least of which, you work for him and you live together.”

“There’s that.”

“I’m assuming you followed my talk-to-him advice? Or was it the good old ‘put-his-hands-on-your-boobs’ trick after all?”

I laughed incredulously. “What is with you tonight? You’re smiling like a fiend.”

“I can’t smile?”

“Youdon’tsmile,” I corrected. “Not this much. What’s up?”

“Shh.” Melanie winked. “Show’s about to start.”

Regina had quieted down the crowd, and my stomach lurched to see the entire party—more than fifty people—staring at us in anticipation. My eyes sought Noah. He’d put his sunglasses back on and stared straight ahead, but I could tell by his body language he was listening intently.
