Page 33 of A Single Soul

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My mouth instantly went dry. “You don’t think so?”

“Uh, no.” His laugh was quiet enough to be swallowed up by the noise around us, and he went for his drink again. “I don’t think that’ll be a problem.”

I couldn’t decide if it was the ever-changing lights or shadows, or if a few odd emotions really did flicker across his face. Emotions that didn’t seem like they belonged here while he played wingman for a longtime friend. But nothing—the lights, the feelings—stayed still long enough for me to parse any of them.

I pulled my gaze away from him and out to the dancefloor. There was no point in sitting here pining after Cory. I was here for a reason, and the echoes of Andras and Raziel’s voices in my ears kept me focused—mostly—on that reason.

Cory leaned in again. “What about him?” He nodded toward someone on the dancefloor.

“Which one?”

“Red shirt.”

I searched the crowd, then found the red shirt and zeroed in on the guy. “Hmm. He’s… not bad?”

“Not bad.” Cory tsked and smacked my arm. “He looks like he could bench press both of us without breaking a sweat.”

I laughed. “Or win a bodybuilder competition.”


I watched the guy for a moment, checking him out as he danced alone in the crowd. He wasn’t hard on the eyes, that was for sure. He was, however, easily over a decade younger than me. Either he had a spectacular skincare routine, or his twenties weren’t very far in the rearview.

I dropped my gaze into my drink. “He’s a little young for me, I think.”

“Ugh. Fine.” Cory paused. “What about him?” He directed my attention to someone standing at the outskirts of a small group who all seemed to know each other. Very much on the prowl, judging by the way he kept checking out everyone else, but here with friends.

I gave him an appraising look, then shook my head. “I think I saw him on Grindr.”

Cory raised his eyebrows. “Yeah?”

“Yeah. I think—oh, yeah. It was definitely him.” I sipped my drink. “I swiped left.”

Cory didn’t ask me to elaborate. Instead, he continued searching the crowd for someone else who might pique my interest.

As if that was going to happen while he was here.

Right then, someone emerged from the crowd and appeared beside our table. He glanced at me, but quickly focused on Cory. “Hi.” His grin was sharky, and his eyes were a beautiful blue that would’ve made me lose my breath if they were directed that intently on me.

Cory swallowed, but he smiled brightly. “Hi.”

“Am I, uh…” The guy gestured at the two of us. “Interrupting anything?”

“No, no.” Cory laughed and squeezed my arm. “We’re just friends.”

The way that man’s eyes lit up made my heart sink. As the two of them chatted, I kept looking around the room. I didn’t feel like a third wheel, really. This was why we’d both come here—the best-case scenario was both of us meeting someone before the end of the night. I just wasn’t sure how much longer I could sit here and listen to someone flirting with Cory.

Fortunately, I didn’t have to listen to it for very long.

Unfortunately, that was because now they were heading to the dancefloor.


And damn, dancing together, they were hot. The way they moved…

Who was I kidding? The wayhemoved. Cory could seriously dance, and he was dancing so damn close to that guy who was clearly interested in him. Who’d approached us, not knowing for sure whether we were a couple—who’d taken a risk because it was worth it for a chance at Cory.

They were going home together tonight. I just… I couldn’t see this ending any other way.
