Page 38 of A Single Soul

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I laughed. “Is that a roundabout way of saying you want to fuck?”

“How about you turn around so we can fuck?”

I shivered, which made him grin, and we stole another long kiss before I did as he’d asked while he reached for the lube. He made short work of prepping me—not rushing it, but not taking all goddamned night either. I wasn’t sure either of us could wait much longer.

And then…

“Oh, fuck.” I almost choked on my own voice as he pushed into me. “God, yeah…”

He made a sound that was halfway between a laugh and a moan. As if he were amused and smug, but also so turned on he could barely breathe. Having that effect on him? OnCory?Oh, hell, that was hot.

Adjusting his grasp on my hips, he murmured, “Like that?”

I managed something in the neighborhood of “fuck yes,” and his chuckle was full of smugness. He deserved to be smug, I supposed. If I had a dick that could turn a man to an inarticulate mess like this, I’d be smug as hell, too.

For all he’d promised this would be quick, though, that he was too keyed up to take it slow or easy, he was in no hurry now that he was inside me. His strokes were long and languid, scrambling my thoughts with a delirious mix of pleasure and frustration.

I tried rocking my hips, but he held them still, his grip surprisingly strong.

“What’s the matter?” he teased. “Don’t you like this?”

“I do. It’s… God. Cory.” I let my head fall forward as a shudder ran through me.“Harder.”

The low groan he released was too sexy for words, but I only had a heartbeat or two to savor it because oh, fuck, he gave it to me harder. He was thicker than I was used to, and the intensity—the ecstasy—had my eyes watering as I gripped handfuls of his sheets and pleaded for more, more, more.

“Oh, fuck,” he panted, driving painfully into me as he held my hips in an iron grip. “You’re so damn…” He shuddered hard, making him gasp and throwing off his rhythm for half a stroke before he recovered and continued slamming into me like his life depended on it. “Christ, Matt. You’reperfect.”

I bit my lip and tried not to lose my mind. Quick was fine and good, but for all I wasn’t sure I could handle another second of this pure, intense bliss, I wasn’t ready for this to be over. Just a little more… A few more thrusts… A few more squeaks of his bed to punctuate his ragged curses…

Then he shouted something I was too far gone to understand, thrust into me hard enough to knock me down onto my forearms, and trembled all over with the force of his orgasm.

As fast as my head was spinning… As hard as it was to hold on to a single thought… I might as well have been coming, too. But no, I wasn’t. Holy hell. Would I survive an orgasm from this man? Something told me I was about to find out.

Cory eased his grip on my hips. With a sigh, he pulled out, and his voice was slurred as he said, “Gonna get rid of this. Back in a sec.”

I murmured an affirmative and nodded.

The mattress dipped, and I sensed him leaving the room. I rolled onto my back and gave myself a few slow, lazy pulls just to keep myself from going out of my mind from arousal.

Cory returned a moment later, his eyes heavy-lidded and still full of fire. He looked me up and down, pressed his shoulder against the doorframe, and grinned. “Ooh, maybe I should just stay back here and watch.”

“Don’t you dare,” I rasped, still stroking myself.

An eyebrow flicked up as he crossed his arms. “Or what? You’re either going to keep touching yourself or not. Either way…” He made a big gesture of raking his eyes over me. “I get a hell of a view.”

My back arched as my toes curled, and I growled, “Get over here.”

For a few painfully long seconds, I was sure he was going to make good on that threat to stand there and watch. Mercifully, he pushed himself off the doorframe, crossed the room, crawled up the bed, and—

“Oh. Fuuuck…” The magic he worked with his mouth would’ve made sorcerers weep. He had me arching and writhing, almost levitating off his bed, with nothing more than the slide of his lips and the soft flutters of his tongue. He didn’t miss an inch—from the head all the way down and over my balls—and that was before he pushed a couple of fingers into me. When his mouth and hand found a rhythm, I forgot how to breathe. Forgot how to think. Forgot how to do anything except lie there and be completely at his mercy.

It didn’t take him long at all to bring me to the edge, and once he had me there, he held me there, kept me there, teasing and licking and fingering me just to—but not beyond—that brink.

“Cory…” I pleaded, almost sobbing with need. “Please…”

He hummed around my dick, and then… Then he did something. With his tongue? His fingers? Both at the same time?

Whatever it was, the edge was suddenly a distant memory, and my hips bucked like they had a mind of their own as I tried to push deeper into his eager mouth, my orgasm turning everything bright white.
