Page 49 of A Single Soul

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Smugness radiated off Raziel as he said, “We’re actuallyverygood at what we do. And our assignment was to give him”—he nodded toward Cory—“a reason to shine as the man who knows you and loves you as well as he does.”

My lips parted. When I turned to Cory, his jaw had gone slack. To the angel and demon, I said, “So this was—you guys were deliberately fucking up so he’d step in and get it right?”

They both looked exceptionally pleased with themselves as they nodded.

Cory laughed and leaned against me. “Man, I’ve heard of weaponized incompetence, but this…”

Rolling my eyes, I chuckled, wrapping an arm around him, and I kissed his temple. Yeah, it was devious as hell—sucha shock with trickster magic involved—but I really couldn’t complain about the results.

“We know what we’re doing,” Raziel insisted. “Just look at the two of you.”

“Uh-huh,” Cory said.

Raziel ruffled his wings and huffed, but then he said, “Well. We’ll be off, then. Good luck, you two.” I wondered if he noticed the startlingly fond way Andras looked at him right then, but before I could say anything, the demon just chuckled, shook his head, and looked away. And I thoughtwewere idiots.

“Right,” I said. “Uh, thanks for your help.” Because hey, credit where it was due.

“You’re most welcome,” Raziel said.

Andras just gave a little grunt and an acknowledgment. As he pushed himself to his feet and flexed his wings, he said, “Bridget’ll probably send you a survey about us and how we did.” He flashed a shit-eating grin. “I trust you’ll tell her the truth.”

“Yeah, yeah.” I laughed. “And then I probably get a coupon for ten percent off my next spell after completing the survey, right?” I rolled my eyes. “No, thanks.”

He muttered something I didn’t catch and snapped his wings. I chuckled. As relieved as I was that this spell was broken, I had to admit I’d miss some of their little idiosyncrasies. Life wasn’t boring with them around, that was for sure.

The angel and demon exchanged glances and nods, probably readying themselves to depart. A glow started around them, similar to what I saw just before some of my fae clients vanished from my office.

“Oh, hey, Raziel?” I said. “One more thing.”

They both turned. Raziel watched me curiously. Andras eyed me with a mix of annoyance and suspicion.

I grinned and gestured at Andras. “He’s into you.”

“What?” they both squawked. They turned to each other, shock registering across both their faces.

And in a blink of light, they were gone.

Cory laughed. “Did you just hook them up?”

I shrugged, pulling him closer to me. “Maybe? Or I just pissed off a demon. One of the two.”

Curling his hand behind my neck, Cory murmured, “Hmm, I don’t think you have to worry too much about that.” He brushed his lips across mine. “And if he does show up with a vengeance, we can still order that electric flyswatter.”

I laughed and buried my face against his shoulder. “Oh, God. I can just imagine presenting that to a judge.” I kissed his collarbone. “Your Honor, my client didn’t actually tase the demon. It was actually—”

Cory was shaking with laughter now, and I joined in. Holding him close, I let the humor wash over me along with the relief and the warmth of his body. Was I ever going to stop being stunned that we were here?

I hoped not.

I combed my fingers through his hair. “I can’t believe it took me this long to figure out…” I shook my head as I trailed off.

Cory smiled, caressing my cheek. “To be fair, it took two to be this oblivious.”

I snorted. “We’re a great pair, aren’t we?”

“Right?” He lifted his chin and dusted a soft kiss across my lips. “But we got here. That’s all I care about.”

Sobering, I nodded. “Me, too.” It would probably take me a while to shake off theoh shitfeeling, though. The realization of just how close I’d come to losing my chance with this man had left me jittery with adrenaline as if I’d narrowly avoided being hit by a speeding care. I didn’t imagine I’d get over that any time soon.
