Page 1 of Burner Account

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Chapter 1


Nick:Aww, Rep. Walters blocked me! LOL

Ian:What? Why? Just because you called him a fascist?

Nick:I beg your pardon. I did not call him a fascist.

Ian:So I hallucinated that entire exchange?

Nick:No. But I called him a fascist dickweasel who jerks off thinking about the Spanish Inquisition.

Ian:Oooh. Right. Well, damn. I can’t imagine why he’d block you.

Nick:It was the dickweasel thing, wasn’t it? That was a step too far.



Ian:If it’s any consolation, Senator Conway blocked me for politely asking if he was going to challenge his own win during the last election. I mean, he was voted in on the same ballots he’s calling fake, sooo…


Ian:Well. I mean. I didn’t call him a dickweasel.

Nick:Mmhmm. There’s a lot of room between “politely” and “calling someone a dickweasel.”

Ian:I fail to see how that’s relevant.

Nick:Yeah, yeah. LOL

Ian:LOL Okay, I have to run. Heading to a hockey game. Talk to you later tonight?

Nick:Absolutely. Have fun tonight. Go Yellow Jackets!

Ian:Go Yellow Jackets!

Ian:Holy crap this game is a wild one. LOL And I’m still laughing about Rep. Walters blocking you.

Nick:I’m still laughing about you claiming your post to Senator Conway was “polite.”

Ian:You can’t prove it wasn’t!

Nick:Ugh. Only because it was deleted when you were blocked. Oppression! Communism!

Ian:LMAO Help! Help! I’m being repressed!

“So areyou ever going to actually meet this guy?” Darren gestured with his beer can at my phone.

I finished sending the message. Then I put the phone facedown on my leg and stared out at the ice four rows down from where we were sitting. The sheet was currently deserted except for the pair of Zambonis, and I watched them rumbling around the arena as I pretended my cheeks weren’t on fire. “Maybe? Eventually?”

“Eventually?” My friend elbowed me. “Dude, you’ve been talking to him and saying ‘eventually’ forhowlong? When is ‘eventually’?”

“I don’t know. I…” I shook my head. “What if we meet and it ruins everything?”

Darren exhaled hard, rolled his eyes, and brought up his beer can for a sip.
