Page 107 of Burner Account

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His eyes got impossibly bigger.

I realized then that this was the part where I was supposed to be down on one knee, and I was supposed to actually ask, but I was doing a bang-up job of this whole thing. God, I was such a dork.

My knees were shaking too much to get down like I was supposed to, but I did manage to say, “Marry me?”

For a couple of heartbeats, the shock hung in there on his face, and I held my breath. Was he trying to figure out how to let me down easy? Had I not thought this through? Had I just—

Isaiah’s smile almost knocked my knees out from under me. Then he wrapped his arms around me, and I squeezed my eyes shut as I held on for dear life.

And somehow—somehow—I wasstillstartled when he murmured, “You’re damn right I will.”

The ring box almost tumbled out of my hand, but I managed to hold on to it, and as we pulled apart, I grinned up at him. “You will?”

“Of course I will.” He cupped my face in both hands and kissed my forehead. “I just can’t believe—” He caught himself. Cut himself off the same way he’d started doing more and more since his therapist had been working him through his self-doubt and self-deprecation.

I didn’t have to ask where his mind had gone. Therapy was a long process, and it would take time before he stopped hearing that ugly voice telling him he wasn’t good enough. Especially in a moment when someone that voice had said was too good for him was proposing to him. I hated that it still crowded its way in now, but he was clearly refusing to let it take hold.

I touched his cheek and looked in his eyes. “I love you, Isaiah. Being with you is everything I never even knew I wanted in a relationship.” I pushed myself up and kissed him softly. “Let’s get married. Make it permanent.”

His smile had never been so gorgeous, and he wrapped his arms around me. “Hell yeah. Let’s do this.”

I grinned into his kiss, and I didn’t think he’d held me this fiercely since that night in Hawaii after he’d almost slipped away from me.

Yeah, we were going to do this.

Yeah, his ex’s phantom voice would still try to tell him he wasn’t worthy of me or of my ring.

But he and his therapist would work on that.

And I would spend the rest of my life making sure he knew exactly how loved and worthy he was.
