Page 43 of Burner Account

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As I opened a folder of submitted papers on my laptop, my mind wandered away from both Oliver and the assignments waiting to be graded. No big shock—my focus had been about as good as Darren’s today, except my thoughts weren’t pingponging all over the place like his did sometimes.

No, the second I didn’t have something immediate to hold my concentration, my head was right back to the same place: Tanner.

He’d been occupying my thoughts ever since we’d agreed to meet. Even more since the moment we’d been face to face by the fountain.

After last night?

Oh my God…

I shivered, my desk chair creaking helpfully as if to alert anyone within earshot that I was a train wreck.

Leaning over my keyboard, I rubbed my eyes and exhaled. I’d slept like the dead last night—no avoiding that after an orgasm that intense—but I couldn’t stop thinking about Tanner. About his gorgeous body laid out on that hotel bed, his six-pack abs on full display and his hand working at his fully hard dick. I didn’t think I’d ever seen anything sexier than him jacking off on my screen like Isaiah’s Personal Porno. And he was jacking off to my voice? To the anticipation of sexwith me?

“Fuck,” I whispered into the silence of my classroom. This was neither the time nor the place for an inopportune hard-on, but lucky for me, my brain had ways of keeping me from getting conspicuously excited right now.

Ways like, say, wondering how turned on Tanner would be when his wasn’t the only naked body in the situation. It was one thing when I was on camera, fully dressed and a few thousand miles away. Or when he was watching me jerk off with my clothes still on. At least I’d had the franticness of last night as an excuse to do little more than open my fly and ruck my shorts down enough to free my dick. I wasn’t sure how I’d have handled it if he’d asked me to take off my shirt like I’d asked him to.

I shuddered, driving another creak from my ancient chair. Over and over, I reminded myself that even if he hadn’t seen me naked, Tannerhadbeen in bed with me once already. Somehow, he’d enjoyed that enough he wanted to do it again.

How the hell does Tanner Jeffries want me?

Did it matter? Maybe. Maybe not. Because he apparently did, but how long would that last? How long until someone else came along who was far closer to Tanner’s league than I could ever aspire to be?

I wanted to enjoy the ride for as long as it lasted. On the other hand, I was afraid of the heartache I was setting myself up for. Because even if this was just friends with benefits, I couldn’t deny it would hurt when he finally realized he could do better. He wasn’t an unkind person, but there was only so gently you could let someone down.

For all my rationalizing and mental flowcharts and comparing the pros and cons, I knew what I was going to do. I knew there was no way in hell I was resisting the chance to, for however long it lasted, be the man making Tanner Jeffries come.

Hopefully, when that finally cooled off, I’d still have my friend.

My classroom door opened, and my focus snapped right back to the present as one of my seventh graders timidly stepped in.

“Oh, hey, Devon.” I smiled. “What’s up?”

“I just had a question about the paper that’s due tomorrow. Can you help me?”

“Sure.” I gestured at the chair beside my desk. “Have a seat.”

My fantasies and distraction over Tanner would keep.

Tanner:He just wanted you to raise his grade?Without doing anything? LOL I was a shit student and even I knew that wouldn’t work.

Isaiah:LOL Right? But now that there’s consequences for his poor grades, he’s trying to do damage control. Just… whatever damage control requires the least amount of effort.

Tanner:Sounds like a 14 year old.


While I lay backon my couch and waited for my dinner to cook, Tanner and I kept chatting back and forth about today, as well as some of my students past and present. The evening had started with us both shitposting on social media. This time we’d been double-teaming an incredibly confident guy who’d decided the world needed to hear his “truth” about “females,” most of which was just misogynistic nonsense that sounded like incel bullshit to me. Tanner and I had poked holes in his “logic” and called him out on his bullshit, both to entertain ourselves and to hopefully give his followers something to think about instead of swallowing his garbage whole. We had no illusions about changing this yoyo’s mind.

At one point, the guy had accused Tanner of being a beta cuck who was probably being bled dry by a… well, his description of Tanner’s hypothetical wife didn’t need to be repeated. I’d almost fallen off my couch when Tanner had blandly responded that he was unapologetically gay but could still, quote,“effortlessly satisfy your girlfriend better than your dumb ass can because I don’t believe the existence of the clitoris is a conspiracy invented by Big Pussy.”

Small wonder he didn’t want anyone to connect that account to his real identity.

As we always did, we’d ended up moving from shitposting to DMing, but like we’d done more recently, switched to texting. And as always, our conversation moved away from“Christ, can you believe this idiot?”to talking about more pleasant subjects, which had led to discussing our days. His had been pretty chill—practicing this morning and then hitting a local golf course with his teammates. And mine—well, it had been interesting.

Tanner:Do kids ask you to do stuff like that a lot? I had some serious audacity as a kid, but I don’t think I ever thought to task a teacher just to raise my grade.

