Page 56 of Burner Account

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My knees were still shakingwhen we came back to Tanner’s bed after cleaning ourselves up again. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had sex that good. Or if I ever had, now that I thought about it.

“Oh my God,” Tanner groaned as he eased himself down on the mattress. “That wassoworth the wait.”

“Yeah, it was. The last two weeksandthe last four years.”

Christ. His smile was almost better than the sex. He was so gorgeous, and he looked absolutely blissed out and satisfied.

“Maybe when it comes to whether you’re good enough for Tanner,”Darren’s voice reverberated through my mind again,“you should listen to Tanner.”

More and more, I thought he was on to something.

But that wasn’t enough to chase off the self-conscious internal cringe as I slid into bed beside Tanner. Yeah, I’d fucked him twice and gotten him off. But now that the dust had settled and he wasn’t driven to distraction by horniness… I was still here. Still naked. Still in the light of day.

What if, now that we’d cooled off, he decided—

“I still can’t believe we finally got here.” Tanner pushed himself up on his elbow and met my gaze with a grin. “All that time talking about every damn thing under the sun, and then we meet one time and…” He gestured at both of us. “Now we can’t keep our hands off each other.” As if for emphasis, his slid his palm from my not-at-all-flat stomach up to my chest, and there wasn’t even a flicker of distaste in his expression.

I rested my hand on his waist and tried to smile past the obnoxious turmoil in my mind. “Yeah. Who knew?”

I must not have been as subtle as I’d hoped, because Tanner’s brow creased. “Wait. Am I missing something?” He stiffened a little. “It was good for you too, wasn’t it? Did I do something—”

“It was,” I said quickly. “It was amazing.” I laughed. “You’re amazing.”

He didn’t look convinced.

Fuck. I could either tell him the truth or let him believe there was something wrong with him. And that second option was—no. Just, no.

“I guess I…” I swept my tongue across my lips. “I can’t believe you’re into me.”

Tanner stared at me like I’d just said the most ridiculous thing he’d ever heard. “What do you mean? Why wouldn’t I be into you?”

I cocked a brow. He still stared, uncomprehending.

Wasn’t it obvious?

“Look at you,” I whispered, trailing fingertips down his six-pack abs, the muscles contracting beneath my touch. “You could have literally anyone you wanted.”

Tanner tilted his head. “I do have who I want. In case it wasn’t obvious when I needed you to fuck me right there in the foyer because I didn’t want to wait until we got in here.”

The memory had goose bumps prickling up all over my body. I didn’t know what to say, though. Yeah, we’d been spinning each other up for two weeks, and we’d both been too horny to think straight, but…

But what, Isaiah?

Ah, but there was that voice, right on cue:

You’re good for a hot lay sometimes, but the minute a nine or a ten swipes right on his profile—hell, even a seven or an eight—Tanner is gone.

The thought made me flinch, and concern joined confusion in Tanner’s expression.

To my surprise, he slid closer to me, letting that six-pack press right up against my not-six-pack.

“Hey.” He caressed my cheek. “Where is this coming from?”

I really, really didn’t want to talk about it. I wanted to just enjoy the fact that I was naked in bed with the most beautiful man I’d ever seen, who also happened to be my closest online friend from the past few years. But there was no ignoring that voice in my head, and hell… Maybe we did need to get it out on the table. Tanner deserved to know the package deal he was signing up for along with my physique.

I took a deep breath. “You remember the ex I told you about? The one I almost married?”

Tanner’s expression darkened as he nodded. “That guy. Yeah. I remember. He was such an asshole.”
