Page 84 of Burner Account

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“Christ, Isaiah.” Pity mixed with aggravation now. “Look at him.” She flailed a hand toward the window facing the deck and the yard where everyone was enjoying the party without us. “Look at that man and tell me he needs to settle for schoolteacher who’s twice his age.”

That was less of a slap to the face and more of a gut punch. I didn’t even have the wherewithal to tell her he was only nine years younger than me, not half my age. That didn’t seem all that important at this point.

“Are you…” I shook myself. “Are you saying he’s too good for me?”

Her expression screamed,Seriously?“It’s never crossed your mind he might be atadbit out of your league?”

“Of course it does,” I growled. “All the damn time.”

“And yet…” She gestured sarcastically toward the window again. “Here he is. Do you just need to show him off while you have him so after he dumps you, we don’t all think you were making it up?”

I glared at her. “Gee, thanks.”

She gave me a flippant shrug. “Am I wrong?”

I opened my mouth to tell her she wasn’t. But hadn’t I had this argument with myself a few million times? Hadn’t I had more than a few mini freakouts that Tanner was going to remember who he was and go find himself an underwear model? No, he didn’t seem that shallow, but I also knew more than anyone how low I ranked on most people’s lists of most eligible bachelors.

Sighing, I spread my hands. “Is that all, then? You’re just pissed that I brought a guy who’s too good for me?”

“I’m pissed that you picked today to parade him a—”

“What part of ‘I didn’t know her party was this weekend’ wasn’t clear, Brandi?”

She rolled her eyes. “Whatever you say.”

Then she stalked out, leaving me standing there in the kitchen with my teeth grinding. As I took a few deep breaths to rein in my temper, I reminded myself that my sister had opinions abouteverythingI did. If things like shitty pay and active shooters bothered me so much, maybe I should stop complaining and find a safer and more lucrative career. If I couldn’t afford to buy a house in Pittsburgh, maybe I should move somewhere cheaper (even if those rural areas were cheaper because there were few, if any, jobs). And if I didn’t want to get my heart broken, maybe I should learn to pick better men.

But apparently nottoomuch better men, because then I was batting out of my league and deluding myself into thinking my boyfriend was doing anything other than humoring me.

I rubbed my eyes. And I’d been in such a good mood today.

The sliding glass door opened behind me, and I schooled my expression before I turned around. As much as I always wanted to see Tanner, I hoped it wasn’t him this time—I needed a few more minutes to collect myself so I wouldn’t freak him out.

Fortunately, it wasn’t him.

Mom put down an empty tray on the counter and studied me. “Everything okay? Your sister didn’t look happy when she came out.”

I sighed. “Just… the usual sparring with Brandi.”

She frowned. “What about? You don’t think it could’ve waited until after her daughter’s graduation party?”

“I think it could’ve, yes. Brandi had other ideas.” I wiped a hand over my face. “She’s mad at me for bringing Tanner to the party. Apparently I’m just showing off my boytoy before he realizes he’s out of my league and moves on.”

Mom’s frown deepened, but she didn’t roll her eyes and huff about Brandi being petty or jealous like she usually did when my sister criticized my relationship choices. “Well, it’s… It isn’t like you knew about the party when you brought him to town.”

“No, I didn’t.” Something twisted in my stomach as I considered her answer. Studying her, I asked, “Is that the only part you disagree with?”

The way she averted her eyes wasn’t exactly a no.

My heart sank. “You don’t think I’m good enough for him either.”

“It’s not that. Not at all.” Mom sighed the heavy sigh of a mother who was about to tell her kid something that wouldn’t be easy to hear.

Oh. Yay. This should be fun.

“So, what is it, then?”

“Well…” She seemed to consider it. “I think you’re certainly good enough for any man.” She met my eyes and set her shoulders back. “But that doesn’t mean he knows that.”

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