Page 36 of Locked In

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Harper didn’t have a choice but to head into the dining room unless she wanted to tell Jason that she had dinner plans with Flynn. That wasn’t an option. She wasn’t in the mood for another sarcastic comment from him. It would be criminal to lose her temper and hit him. Besides, the flooded bridge sort of put a pin in their plans.

She strode into the dining room behind Lazlo with Jason at her heels. Mrs. Carruthers stopped beside a table for four. “You may sit here.”

They all took their seats. A young woman came to take their drink orders. She was dressed in a white blouse and black pants with her dark hair tied back in a ponytail.

“I didn’t know you were working here, Blair,” Harper said to the server after everyone had ordered.

“Yeah, just part-time. Gives me some spending money.” She frowned. “I was so sorry to hear about Astrid. Please tell Audrey that I’m thinking of her, ’kay?”

Harper’s heart panged. “Of course. That’s very kind of you.”

The situation was just horrible. She wanted to throw open the door of every room in the manor and see if there was any more green paint. There must be. She needed to talk to her dad. Maybe he would remember.

“Did you know Astrid well?” Jason asked.

“Oh, no.” The young girl’s face flushed. “She was a year ahead of me. I’m still in high school.”

Jason nodded.

“I used to see her sometimes at The Clam Shack, though.”

Harper frowned. “Did you guys go to The Clam Shack often?” Despite the name, it was one of the most expensive restaurants in Cedar Bluff. It was fine dining. Not a place teens would normally hang out.

“Oh no. We both worked there when they needed an extra hand, like with an event or something. She was a server, and I was mostly cleanup crew. I know she made good tips. I want to be a server there next summer.” Blair said, her cheeks flushing pink and then she disappeared into the kitchen.

Jason leaned on the table. “Did Astrid know a lot of the kids in the year behind her?”

“Yes and no. I mean they were on teams together and had some classes together, but she wasn’t super close with any of them so far as I knew. Why do you ask?”

“Her father said she was going out that night. I just wondered if you knew anyone who might know who the mystery date was.”

Harper fidgeted with her fork. “I’m pretty sure it was an older man.”

“Why do you say that?” Crawley eyed her as he bit into a buttered roll.

“Because if it was just some guy, she would’ve told Audrey all about it. I think she didn’t say anything because she knew Audrey wouldn’t approve. Audrey is a great kid but she’s pretty opinionated. Astrid liked that about her, but I think this was one time when she didn’t want Audrey’s opinion, which tells me there was something about the guy she was seeing that made her slightly uncomfortable.”

Lazlo leaned forward, “That’s an interesting theory. Do you know who it could’ve been? How many adult men was she around?”

Harper turned and stared at him. It was a good point. Where would she come in contact with an older man? School was the obvious answer, but Harper didn’t like to think that was the case. Maybe it was naïve, but she knew a lot of those people, they’d taught her as a student, or she worked with them on special projects. The thought that one of them might have killed Astrid made her queasy. The Clam Shack? That place would have a parade of men going in and out.

“I guess The Clam Shack for one, school would be another place. Not really sure after that. Possibly the hospital. Her aunt works there and she used to go visit her at work sometimes.”

Blair arrived with their drinks and another woman who Harper didn’t know brought their food almost immediately afterwards. She moved the food around her plate in silence while the men discussed football. Soon enough the meal was over.

Jason answered his cell. He nodded at Lazlo and Crawley. “The river has gone down and the road is clear. We’re good to go.” Jason ended his call and got up from the table. “You ready to go?” he asked Harper.

She wanted to say no, that she was going to wait for Flynn but suddenly she was pissed off. He’d said he’d be right back and he hadn’t bothered showing up. If he wanted to see her, he would’ve come looking for her. She wasn’t allowed to look for him.Screw it.

“Yes.” She stood. “I’m ready.”

She looked around and realized that Susan had left the room. Chances were good, knowing Susan, she’d gotten the message before Jason and already headed back to town.

They started toward the door when Gina came around the corner. “Thank you for putting up with us.”

“Of course,” the other woman replied. She smiled sweetly at the men but there was a look in her eye that made Harper slightly wary. Gina was no fool. She knew where her bread was buttered. She reached out and touched Jason on the arm. “Please get home safe.”

“Thanks,” he said with a smile. “It was nice of you to feed us and take such good care of us.”

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