Page 46 of Locked In

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“We have to follow protocol, so I won’t know what happened until the medical examiner gets here.”

“Surely this is obvious. You can’t possibly mean to launch an investigation into this. This is the Rainy Day Club, not some back alley operation. The girl tripped and fell down the stairs, probably broke her neck.”

“Until the medical examiner tells me otherwise, I will treat this as a suspicious death.”

There was movement by the door. A woman wearing rain gear and carrying a bag walked in. She pulled down her hood. Flynn immediately felt a tug below his belt as he recognized Harper. What was she doing here? And why hadn’t Karl told him she’d gone out? He’d arranged for the man to watch her place to make sure no one else broke in. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and saw he had a missed call and a few text messages. He quickly sent off a text saying Karl could go home and thanked the man. He’d pay the ex-cop well for keeping an eye on Harper. It was the only reason he hadn’t stayed in the parking lot outside of her condo.

“Susan,” she said and then crossed the foyer, glancing down at the body, and then scurrying past.

“Oh, Harper. It’s about time.” The mayor put her hand out and snatched the bag from the other woman. “I need to…” she glanced around the room and then fell silent.

“I came as quickly as I could. Denise said she couldn’t find exactly what you specified but she hoped this works.”

The mayor snorted. “Sometimes that woman is useless.” She turned to Merritt. “I need to go powder my nose, but I’ll be back. Hopefully, by then you will have come to your senses. Harper, get him to see reason,” she barked and then turned on her heel and strode back toward the kitchen.

Merritt reached out and squeezed her arm. “I’m sorry you got dragged out in this.”

Flynn’s temper sparked. He narrowed his eyes and cocked his head. There was that possessiveness again. Were they lovers? Is that why she’d kicked Flynn out? That would be unfortunate, at least for Merritt.

Harper gave him a small smile. “Not your fault, Jason. You must be exhausted.”

“You, too. I hope you got some sleep.”

“Some,” she said which Flynn knew was a lie. Harper nodded toward the body. “Who is the girl?” Harper asked.

“Not a local. Someone up from New York. We think she fell down the stairs in the dark. Mandy is on her way, but I’ve got to go through the motions just in case.”

She bit her lip and Flynn’s jeans tightened again. Harper wrapped a hand around her neck. “It’s not related to…”

Merritt shook his head. “No, we have no reason to think it’s got any relation to Astrid’s murder.” He touched Harper’s arm again. “Why don’t you go home? We’ve got this. There’s nothing for you to do here.”

“I can’t leave until Susan goes.” She sighed and tucked a stray hair back behind her ear.

Merritt shook his head. “I don’t know why you ever wanted to become deputy mayor. She’s a real piece of work.”

Harper’s back went ramrod straight. “Probably the same reason you work for the police chief. Because I like my job and I’m good at it.”

Merritt held up his hands in surrender. “Sorry, didn’t mean to offend. It’s been a long day and an even longer night.” He let out a breath. “I need to interview people and find out what the girl was doing here.”

“She was in charge of the guest list for the party,” Harper supplied.

“You saw her at the party?” Merritt’s voice had gone hard.

Flynn didn’t like the tone he was using. It was accusatory.

“Yes, I had to go to support Susan. I told you I was here.”

“Right. The library.”

Again with the accusing tone. Flynn struggled to keep his energy low-key, nearly impossible given how much animosity for the detective was surging through his system.

Harper glared at Merritt. “I am just telling you what I know.”

“Jason,” the mayor barked as she strode back into the foyer, “I need to go but it is very important that you treat this with discretion. The Rainy Day Club is a valued institution in Cedar Bluffs.”

“As I said, I have to do my job.”

The mayor frowned. “I don’t like the sound of that.”
