Page 61 of Locked In

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Flynn nodded absently. He was staring at the wall opposite him as if not really seeing it.

“What are you thinking?” she asked.

“Nothing good.” He straightened. “I don’t like you being here. It’s not safe.”

“As opposed to my place where someone broke in and threatened me? That’s safer.” She folded her arms over her chest and shrugged. “There’s safety in numbers. I figure I’m safer here than at home. There are more people around. There’s you.” She immediately stopped talking. She hadn’t meant to say that last bit. It just slipped out.

“Me. You think you’re safe with me?” He walked across the room to stand inches from her. “Do I seem safe to you?” he growled as he backed her up against the window once again.

She licked her dry lips. “I… you seem…” scary as hell. The ferocity in his gaze was frightening but also…exciting. There was something about Flynn O’Connor that made her blood rush and desire pool between her thighs. “Safe might not be the word.”

“Uh-huh,” he said as he put an arm on either side of her head.

“Maybe protective. I feel like you would protect me. That you would stop others from hurting me.” Her breath was coming faster now. “I don’t know why I feel that way, I just do. It’s weird and…”

“And what?” He demanded his voice deceptively soft.

“Sexy as hell.” There, she’d said it. She was an adult, and she could admit to feeling adult things.

He lowered his lips until they were a hair’s width away from hers. “Harper,” he breathed.

The door to the library burst open behind them and Flynn whirled around placing his body between her and the door. There! She knew it. He would protect her.

“Sorry, I didn’t realize anyone was in here,” Gina said as she stood in the doorway.

Harper peeked around Flynn’s shoulder. She wanted to talk to Gina. There were questions that needed to be asked by someone who didn’t fall for her little act.

She moved out from behind Flynn. “Gina I have a couple of questions if you have a minute.”

Gina narrowed her eyes at Harper. “No sorry I don’t. Flynn, I need to speak with you.” She glanced at Harper. “Alone.”

Flynn studied her for a second and then turned to Harper. “Go down to the salon. I’ll be down in a minute.”

She opened her mouth to protest but he simply cocked an eyebrow and said in a quiet voice. “Do you want my help or not?”

Glaring at him, she shut her mouth and then made her way across the library. She passed Gina and went out into the hallway. She might have been dismissed but that didn’t mean she had to go where he said. Instead, she went up to the third floor. It had the same setup as the second floor only it looked more updated. Better carpet and newer drapes on the windows in the hallway. She tried a couple of the doorknobs on the main landing but found them locked.

She wandered over to the window and looked down at the driveway and the ocean beyond. The water looked gray and angry. She knew exactly how it felt. Pissed off seemed to be her default state these days. Her cell phone went off in her pocket. She pulled it out and looked at the screen.

She sighed as she answered. “Hello, Susan.”

“Harper, what’s going on? I told you I wanted updates.”

Susan was probably doing her best to keep her temper in check.

Harper’s fingers tightened on the phone. “There’s nothing to update you with. Jason still doesn’t have the autopsy back and although he questioned many of the guests, he didn’t turn up one witness.” She dropped her voice. “You’re the only one who saw anything. Do you remember any part of the exchange between Gina and Calli?”

Susan stayed quiet for a moment. “They were arguing about something.”

“So you said.”

“No, I mean they were vehemently arguing about something. Gina accused Calli of taking something but she denied it. Gina told Calli she was jeopardizing everything, and she needed to give it back pronto or it wouldn’t look good for her. It was a serious threat. At least Calli took it that way. She turned pale. And that’s it. That’s all I know.”

Harper was at a loss. What could Calli have? If only Gina would talk to her. No, if only Flynn would let her be in the room while he spoke to Gina. That’s when they’d find out the truth. Gina might not take Harper seriously, but she’d listen to Flynn. He wasn’t the kind of guy that could be ignored.

“Thanks for telling me, Susan. I’m working on finding a few things out. I’ll update you if anything comes of it.”

“See that you do,” she said and then hung up.
