Page 72 of Locked In

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The sound of footsteps halted him. Someone was coming toward him. He moved slowly, keeping his gun up but put his penlight back in his pocket. In close quarters like this the element of surprise was vital. The passageway turned in front of him. He waited at the corner. As the steps came closer, he braced himself.

He moved swiftly around the corner and came face to face with Harper. She opened her mouth to scream, and he slapped his hand over her lips. She stared at him as he cursed under his breath.

“What the hell are you doing here,” he hissed quietly.

She tried to speak but he still had his hand over her mouth. He removed it and she whispered, “Same as you, I’m guessing.”

He wanted to demand she leave but he knew she wouldn’t and if he took her out of here without letting her explore, she’d just come back on her own which was worse.

“The door in the basement?” he asked in a whisper.

She nodded. “Looks like Everlasting Manor’s ghost is someone wandering around in here.”

“Mrs. Carruthers.”

“No!” she said a little too loudly. He clamped a hand back over her mouth. They both froze. Her eyes got big but a minute later they relaxed again. “Sorry. I just wasn’t expecting that.”

He looked behind her. “Is that directly up from the basement? Were there any other hallways off this one?”

She shook her head. “Nope. This is it.”

“Okay.” He stared at her. “We’ll keep going this way.” He pointed to her hallway since his intersected it. “But do not make any sound and for once in your life, do what I say.”

“I’ll try. I make no promises.” She gave him an impish grin.

He wanted to turn her around and spank her. Take her out of there, straight back to his bedroom and keep her busy all night long. A sharp tug strained below his belt. But this was work and it had to come first.

“Follow me.” He moved quietly along the passageway. More snoring, a few people on their phones from the sounds of things and then voices. A few of them were together in one room but the sound was weird. It wasn’t as distorted as the other sounds.

He stopped. There was a room up ahead. He could make out a doorway. Of course there’d be secret room, because why the hell not?

He glanced through the hole in the wall next to him. They were not far from the library. The secret room must fall behind the broom closet and share a wall with the library. That made all kinds of sense.

He turned and gestured to Harper to be silent. She nodded. They moved a bit closer.

“The deal looks good, Davis.” Eli Fisher’s voice came down the hallway at him. “I spoke with some contractors and if we break ground early next year, they say phase one can be completed within twelve months.”

Why was he not surprised Fisher and Austin Davis were involved in whatever this shit was? His nerves were taut. He regretted telling Archer to not send anyone else. Back-up might be good right now.

“That is good news.” Davis’s voice sounded tinny, like it was coming through a speaker. Made sense, because the man wasn’t physically present at the manor. “But it’s all for naught if we don’t get the approval. How is that going?”

Another voice cut through the air. “I believe quite well.”

Bryson. The third musketeer.Should’ve guessed.

Bryson continued. “He seems to be working his magic. The mayor is certainly enjoying his attention. We’re thinking this can be wrapped up shortly.”

Flynn glanced back at Harper and raised his eyebrows. What was this about? She shook her head slightly as if to say she didn’t know but then her eyes got wide for a moment. She closed them and mouthed a curse word. He’d have to ask her later what all this was about.

“How do we know for sure she won’t change her mind?” Davis demanded. “We’re looking at six months out from the time we buy the property to the time we can break ground. How do we know she won’t change her mind and not give us the variances and the zoning changes we need? Plus, she’s just one vote. What about the town council? They would have to be onside to change the zoning.”

Harper bit her lip. Worry had etched fine lines on her face. He could read her mind. What stupid shit had her boss dragged her into now? He didn’t know yet what this was all about, but it was starting to take shape in his mind.

“It’s all in hand. Certain steps are being taken to ensure the mayor’s cooperation. She’ll bring the others around. And if there are any holdouts we’ll fix the situation.”

“What about the other mess?” Davis inquired. “The murder of the young girl and the one that went down the stairs? What’s happening there?”

Harper tensed beside him. He found her hand and squeezed it.
