Page 79 of Locked In

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“I already sent it back to Maine.”

“Do you have someone to take over the Manor? With Carruthers and Gina gone, Shah can manage it for a bit but not long term.”

“For your information and in case anyone should ask, Mrs. Carruthers is now installed as the manager of an inn we own in Finland. Just above the Arctic Circle. The Everlasting Manor will be closing its doors next month. The property will be sold to The Sunny Travel consortium and will open up as a five-star hotel in the late spring after some much-needed renovations.”

“Seriously?” Flynn asked. “The Society has something called the Sunny Travel Consortium? Is that like the Rainy Day Club? What’s with the weather fixation?”

“We also have the Snowy Foundation which runs retreats.”

“No fuckin’ way.”

“Yes fuckin’ way,” Archer retorted in a much more relaxed voice. “Without boring you, these entities help allow the Society to exist. The money has to move somehow.”

“Huh. I guess I never thought about that.”

Archer responded, “No one ever does. Keep me updated.” And he was gone.

One of these days, the man would say goodbye before he hung up, and that’s the day Flynn would know the world was ending.

Flynn pulled up to the gate and put his window down. “Hey, Karl.”

“Flynn,” the older man said as he stepped out of the guard house. “No one has come or gone since you left. I’m expecting a bunch of deliveries in the next hour to set up for the Halloween thing. I have extra guys posted around the property. They are sub-contractors so they don’t know details, but they know to watch out for anyone trying to sneak on or off the property.”

“Good. And thanks for the backup.” He still hated that the grounds would be open to an outside event. The one bright spot there was Harper would be near enough for him to keep an eye on.

Karl cleared his throat. “If I’ve overstepped, let me know but I also have a guy watching Harper. He stayed in front of her folks’ house all night and didn’t like what he saw when Merritt left this morning so I had someone else come on shift when he went off.”

Flynn’s shoulders tightened. “What did he do?”

Karl shrugged. “He took off like a bat out of hell but didn’t turn on his lights and there was no radio call. My friend is an ex-cop with a police band radio in his car. He’s heard a rumor or two about Merritt. None of it good. The guy’s a stalker but apparently no one complains because he’s a cop.”

“Shit.” Flynn wanted to turn the BMW around, find Merritt and pummel the asshole into the ground. “Okay, thanks. I appreciate you taking the initiative. Let me know if anything pops.”

“Will do,” Karl said and stepped back from the vehicle.

Flynn cruised up to the Manor and parked off to the side in the front. No Mrs. Carruthers to complain. Above the Arctic Circle. He grinned wryly. Wonder how she likes that? He took the steps two at a time and walked into the foyer to find Shah standing there looking frazzled.

Flynn’s stomach lurched. “What is it? What’s happened now?”

“We can’t find Payton. She’s not in her room and no one has seen her.”


“Your lack of a Halloween costume is not a crisis.” Harper sighed and wondered if she should make some tea. Her nerves were jangling from way too much caffeine this morning. She glanced at her watch. It was later than she thought. Already after eleven.

Susan glared at her across the desk. “I must look fabulous. My costume has to be a statement. People will see me. I’m the mayor. They expect something next level from me.”

People didn’t give a shit what she wore. That was the truth. Only Susan gave a crap about it. “Go as a witch.”

“A witch?” Susan sniffed. “No.”

“I’m sure Arnold down at the Little Theatre will have some terrific outfits. No one else would have anything as realistic. Call him and ask.”

“He gave away my original costume. Why would I call him?”

Harper was rapidly losing patience. “Because he will feel guilty and want to help you and because he owns the only costume shop in town.”

Susan harumphed. “I was going as Wonder Woman. A witch seems so…ordinary.”
