Page 85 of Defining Us

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Looking down at my watch, it’s two-thirty and we need to make a move. Standing up and giving Nat the signal that it’s time, we both start the rounds of saying our goodbyes. Nat gets all the well wishes to enjoy her time away.

I try not to comment out loud that I will make sure she enjoys every single moment of her time with me.

This will be a trip to New York she will never forget.

Time for us to talk.

To sort this out once and for all.

Then to make a plan for how we fix this mess I created. If only I hadn’t married Sasha, and I should have pushed Nat harder to acknowledge her true feelings back then. If I had, then I wouldn’t be now sitting in silence in a car on the way to the hospital, waiting for a scan to see what my future holds, with the woman I love who won’t talk to me because I all but blackmailed her to come home with me.

Fuck, my life is ridiculous.

And it’s no one’s fault but mine.



Today is officially the weirdest day of my life.

This morning, all I was worrying about was getting through lunch with Jordan, using barely any words and no contact. Also putting myself on an alcohol-free day because we all know what happened last time I tried to hide from my nerves. Simple enough plan, I thought.

I look out the window of the town car as we are whisked back to Jordan’s apartment. I mean, what even was that flight? A private jet, our own cabin crew, soft leather seats that are bigger than my couch. This is exactly what I knew his life would end up like once he made the NFL. He tried to assure me that this isn’t normal, and that he just indulged today so he could get me to New York without too many questions from the public. I get that, but seriously… a private jet. It’s just too much for my brain to process all at once. If I wasn’t so stressed, then maybe I would have had more time to enjoy it.

We found out after the scans that Jordan had suffered a partial shoulder subluxation on the night he was carrying me, when he tried to stop me from falling. It must have popped straight back in, but of course the pain and inflammation have lingered on. Not the best news but certainly not the worst. We can fix this and strengthen the joint, increasing his flexibility, but it would be touch-and-go for a few weeks, trying to make sure he doesn’t do it again.

The moment Dr. Trudy did the scan and started to tell him the news, I could see the fear rising in his slumped shoulders. It sealed my decision, and I made my mind up that I had to help him, even if I still wanted to get both him and Xavier in a boxing ring and punch out my frustration at being treated like the little sister again. Something I haven’t had to worry about in ten years.

Even though the back seat of this town car is super comfy, I can’t even control my nerves. My leg is bouncing being so close to him. I can’t decide if it’s from my anticipation or if I’m still mad at him for convincing me to come here. The truth is, I would never let him down when he truly needs me. As much as he was an asshole for making me feel guilty, it is my fault he has hurt his shoulder. If I hadn’t gotten so drunk that night, he wouldn’t have been carrying me. But he needs to take some of the blame. I mean, if he keeps looking that hot and expects me to be in the same room as him and be all cool, calm, and collected, then he’s insane. Why does he think they put him on billboards and in magazines to sell shit? It’s not just because he plays football. Hello, total package here. And since he happily showed me more than I was entitled to see last weekend in my bedroom, then I know how good that package really looks.

I’m squirming in my seat now that I’m thinking about that morning again. How the hell am I going to get through the next few weeks? In the same house as him, perhaps in a room next to his, where I know he will be lying naked in his bed. Now that’s a thought I can’t let myself have. Because that would be the same bed where he gets naked with his wife.

And there is the wet blanket I need to stop the dirty thoughts I was having.

Looking across at him, his eyes pierce my soul.

“What are you thinking about, Nat?” The smirk tells me he knows it was him but I’m not giving him that satisfaction.

“Well, I’m in a big new city with lots of spare time on my hands. Time to spread my wings and see what orwhoI can discover.” I’m such a bitch. “Might even give Chase a call once I’m settled and see if he wants to hook up.” Yep, it’s official, I’m the worst human ever as I see the rage building inside Jordan that I deliberately put there.

“No. He will be busy when I’m busy, and the rest of the time you will be with me. End of story.” If he could beat his chest right now, he would.

“Umm, I’m not here to be by your side for every second. If you’re going to interrupt my life, I may as well make it an adventure to remember.”

The low growl under his breath almost makes me laugh out loud.

“You will remember it, that I guarantee.” I can see his white knuckles as his clenched hands are rubbing up and down his thighs. “That’s if you don’t kill me from frustration.”

“Thatyoucan guarantee.” I finish the conversation, with not another word from either of us, but the whole car is buzzing with the heightened tension.

Oh yeah, this is going to go so well! Should have said no and stayed home.

Too late now, so bring it on.

Let’s get this over with.

The ride in the elevator is just as bad. I want to vomit from nerves, and Jordan still looks like he wants to punch something. The air is so thick, I can’t help it. The first giggle comes out and then I can’t stop. Jordan looks at me like I’ve lost my marbles. We pass two more floors on our ride to the penthouse and then he finally breaks, laughing with that deep raspy sound that I love to hear. By the time we are almost to the top, the tears are running down my face.
