Page 90 of Defining Us

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“Morning, Nat, sleep well?”

Just seeing her standing there in her workout gear brings a smile to my face and I try not to have another part of me show how appreciative he is of her being in my kitchen first thing in the morning.

“I wasn’t dreaming about fucking you, you heard wrong. I won’t fuck you, you’re married!” It all comes rushing out of her mouth like a confession for something, and I have no idea what she means.

“What the fuck did you just say?” Every muscle in my body tenses and my heart thumps hard in my chest. The words have me buzzing. Oh, baby, you have no idea the dreams I have about you. Like right now where I’m picturing laying you out on this kitchen counter and taking you. Hard. My libido is peaking and I’m not even trying to hide it from her.

“No, nothing. Just forget every word. I didn’t say that, it came out all wrong. Please just forget it all.” Her face is bright red, her hands flapping around in the air trying to distract me, as I’m stalking toward her.

For every step I take, she’s backing up two at a time. I can tell she is about to run.

“Nat. Stop!” I know what I want to do, but if I touch her, my fear is that she’ll be up those stairs before I can stop her.

“Jordan…” She’s pleading for me to just let her go, but I’m done with doing that.

“It’s okay, you aren’t the only one. Was it good, your dream?” I can’t help it, I need to know.

“Please, Jordan, don’t…” Her voice trails off but the beautiful pink shade on her cheeks tells me how turned on she is just thinking about it again.

As I take a step closer, her breath hitches a little.

“Did you come, touching yourself, thinking about me?” Frozen in place, she’s panting as I now lean down and whisper in her ear, “Because hearing you screaming my name last night had me rubbing one out so fucking hard that I made quite a mess.” And the way this is going, I’m going to do the same thing before I leave for training.

“Don’t… I can’t… you can’t.” Her words are jumbled.

“Oh, but you want to, don’t you, Nat? You need to stop denying what this is.” Stepping back, I walk straight to the coffee maker, with a cock as hard as steel. If I didn’t move right then, it was going to be game over.

Leaning on the counter, I grip it harder than I have ever gripped a football when I’m under the highest pressure getting away a pass. I take deep slow breaths to calm my body. There is not a sound from behind me. Nat hasn’t moved an inch.

I’m such an asshole. I promised friendship, and instead I’m fucking her with words in my kitchen. “I’m sorry.”

Still nothing from her. I don’t blame her.

I’m not really sorry, but it’s the right thing to say.

“Let’s get on with the day. Coffee?” Standing up a little straighter, I push the button on the machine to get it pouring out the hot liquid.

Taking the cup and turning to place it on the counter, Nat is still staring at me like she doesn’t know what to say.

“Don’t do it again!” Her voice isn’t loud, but the stunned moment is gone and the fight in her is back. The sternness in her voice tells me she is pissed. Perfect, just the way I want her. To the world she is this gentle woman, heart as big as the state of Texas. But to me, she is fire and with a heart that she is holding onto so tightly that I can’t wait to make it explode. And I will, the time is coming, I just need to be more patient than I was this morning.

Snatching her coffee off the counter, we are both saved from the intense staredown by Sasha and Dani walking into the room. Both of them are looking at me with the questioning eyes, asking what is going on in here. I’m sure they can feel the charged-up air that is swirling, trying hard to settle.

“Mornnnning?” Sasha walks over and kisses me on the cheek, before putting the coffee pod into the machine behind me and pushing the button.

“Morning,” Nat mumbles, I’m sure trying to ignore the urge to scratch Sasha’s eyes out for that kiss.

“Morning, ladies, good workout this morning?” I ask, trying to keep the conversation moving.

Dani laughs from the other side of the counter. “Yeah, I worked her hard and all she did was moan.” I roll my eyes at her as she laughs, breaking the tension.

“What is it with you trainers who take great pleasure in putting us through our paces? Are you all sadists, or something?” I tease, taking a sip of my coffee.

Nat chuckles darkly. “Oh, you have no idea how much I’m looking forward to putting you in pain, Jordan. There are years of your annoyance to pay back.” Nat looks straight at me, making sure I know exactly what she means.

Bring it on, babe!

“Well, I suppose we should head into the gym, and you can check me out then?” Oh yeah, two can play at this game, sweetheart.
